Rough days

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Feb 18, 2012
I'm sitting here on a Sunday night, listening to David Byrne & Brian Eno, trying to mellow out before what promises to be the busiest, most stressful week of the year.

I was doing so well leading up to this! After a false start with budesonide, I finally got to the point where I could tolerate a full dose, and I've been on it for around 3 weeks. The first week was OK, and by the second week, I started noticing an upward trend. I was starting to normalize, and I was reliably feeling pretty good. Could it be that I was finally getting better?

This past week, however, has been a different story. I started noticing a downhill slide on Tuesday, but figured it was just a rough patch -- there have been dips along the way, for sure, so nothing to worry about, right? I just toned down the food for a bit. A little more white rice. Maybe ease back on the fattier foods, even if they seem low-residue. Maybe stick to soup, that won't mess with you too much...

By Friday, I had called out of work (the first time I've done that since my diagnosis), and my diet had been reduced to Ensure Plus. Saturday, I added some some bakery white bread and a banana to the mix, but this morning I was making more trips to the bathroom than I ever had before. My wife and I had plans to head up to Boston today -- I finally bit the bullet and took a couple loperamide just so we could go, mostly because I didn't want to let her down. (Dress shopping and eating out at a restaurant weren't high up on my list of things to do, but again, we were going to see friends and she was looking forward to it.)

I was worried about whether or not the loperamide was going to hold -- thankfully, it did. (It actually might still be working, come to think of it... hopefully I won't be in for any horrible surprises in the middle of the night.) I split off from my wife and stopped in at a friend's place while she went out and got lunch with her pals, so I managed to dodge that situation.

Anyways, we returned home and I survived... I had some rice and boiled chicken tonight (which was a big step up from Ensure). It's sitting alright so far. As I sit here and type this, I wonder about my experiences this weekend and how this upcoming week/weekend is going to play out. I simply CANNOT miss any work this week -- our departmental diploma ceremony is this coming Sunday, and I basically oversee the entire shebang, so I have to be there (especially Sunday). I'm going to try to avoid it if at all possible, but at least now I know I can take Immodium in a pinch if I need to during this upcoming week. Once this week is over, I feel like I can use whatever sick time I need to -- I am actually headed to my gastroenterologist the following Tuesday, and frankly, if I ended up in the hospital on Monday, I'd be fine with that... I just need to make it past Sunday.

If anyone has any advice on powering through a situation like this (a job obligation, college exams, whatever) when things are not going so great, health-wise, I'm all ears. Similarly, if anyone has any input regarding when it's apparent that your prescribed treatment is not working, I'd appreciate that as well. I really thought the budesonide was doing the trick... previous symptoms such as mucus had begun to disappear, and I was making far less frequent trips to the bathroom on average. I'm not sure if this recent episode is a new problem -- the symptoms seem a little different this time, somehow.

Just to make things a little more challenging this week, my final online course for my M.Ed. starts tomorrow, and my wife is leaving for a wedding on Thursday and won't return until after the weekend. Honestly, the course might actually serve to keep my mind occupied on other things, which is good; my wife leaving, on the other hand, means that I'll be taking care of the cats and our puppy alone. (Cats are easy, the puppy requires a bit more work though.) I just wish that she was going to be around...
Do you think it's possible the stress of the upcoming work week is making your symptoms worse? I find when I'm particularly stressed is when I feel my worse...which adds more stress! I recently had a midterm this week which I wasn't sure how on earth I would be able to sit through for three hours without having to go...but somehow I did. What I do is I come up with a back up plan of what I'll do in a situation should i get an attack of unpleasant symptoms. That usually helps me...knowing what I'll do if something arises (which it usually doesn't).
Yep, stress probably has something to do with it. Actually, the day after last year's commencement ceremony was the first time I landed in the hospital. I was a pretty stressed puppy leading up to that day, and the next day I went to a Memorial Day cookout with my dad... at the time, I figured it was the huge steak and numerous beers that caused all that stomach pain!

So... follow-up question: Anyone know any awesome de-stressing tips? Something 100% effective* (and ideally instantaneous)?

*My wife is pretty militantly anti-marijuana, so that's probably a no-go. ;)
Jesse, when I'm stressed, I find it really helps ease my mind to have a solid plan in place for the "what ifs". Pack lots of "just in case" type stuff like spare pants & underwear, wipes, Imodium, maybe even Depends if you think you might need them, etc. Are you allowed to have a heating pad at work? Or are you allowed to listen to an ipod? Stuff like that might help you feel better. If you aren't allowed to plug in a heating pad, you can always make your own microwaveable one. Here's a link with more info about that:
(If you don't want to make one, you can also buy microwaveable "heat therapy" stuffed animals that you can microwave, I have a couple of those myself, but I also know it's silly for adults to go around clutching a stuffed animal to their abdomen.)

Otherwise, just try to schedule at least a little "me" time each day, regardless of how busy you are. On really bad busy stressful days, I sometimes go into the bathroom and sit there longer than I need to and just breathe, clear my thoughts, read, cry quietly, whatever makes me feel better.

Cuddling those kitties and puppy should help too! Even if you don't feel up to walking the dog, you would probably have time to throw a tennis ball for 5 minutes, right? When I am not feeling up to walking my dog, I throw the ball, work on tricks with her, and I make sure she's got plenty of bones & toys on hand. That seems to work. Good luck! I hope you can get through this week with a minimum of stress & symptoms.

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