rule out celiac disease!
I was diagnosed with chron's in Januarry and didn't discover until recently that I actually have celiac disease after browsing the web and deciding to conduct an elimination diet for gluten. I would suggest to anyone diagnosed with chron's that they should rule out celiac desease by simply not eating gluten for a few days. Their is actually no one specific test to diagnose chron's so ruling out other digestive disorders in important. Celiac is actually the most common disease their is with an incidence rate of 1:133 and rising verses chron's with an incidence rate of 6:100,000. If you have a good doctor they should have already suggested this to you but mine did not and I suspect yours may not have as well.
I was diagnosed with chron's in Januarry and didn't discover until recently that I actually have celiac disease after browsing the web and deciding to conduct an elimination diet for gluten. I would suggest to anyone diagnosed with chron's that they should rule out celiac desease by simply not eating gluten for a few days. Their is actually no one specific test to diagnose chron's so ruling out other digestive disorders in important. Celiac is actually the most common disease their is with an incidence rate of 1:133 and rising verses chron's with an incidence rate of 6:100,000. If you have a good doctor they should have already suggested this to you but mine did not and I suspect yours may not have as well.