Say something nice to the person above you

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 23, 2009
I have seen little sweet threads like this and we are all suffering with this disease and could use a little cheering up. Say anything nice about the user in the thread above you. You don't need to know anything about them. It could be as simple as liking their avatar, wishing them health, etc.

I cannot imagine what it must be like to worry about your child's health, and be so concerned about something as 'vague and weird' as Crohns. And he has already had surgery too. Ack!

You are more than a parent - you are a HERO! :award2:
Noguts, thanks for being the moderator for this wonderful group. I see we are NYers as well. Gotta love NY!!!

Wishing you life long remission!! :thumright::thumright:

I admire your ability to rise above the adversities this disease has brought into your life. Your passion to learn and educate and your drive to face and stare down the discrimination you face. Kudos to you! :thumleft:

Dusty. xxx

PS I have a confession to make. Every time I see your username it brings a smile to my face...why? Because my mind always translates it into noNUTSnoglory! :eek2:

I admire GW because she types faster than me! A skill I am so jealous of!

Seriously though, you are a wonderful asset to the forum and we are privileged to have you here. :)

Dusty. xxx
2thFairy, you have a cool username and I love the quote in your sig about the colon having dramatic effect. :D You seem much nicer than the real tooth fairy too (I swear I saw her when I was 6, and she tried to stab me with her wand :p ).
Cat you are a super moderator in all senses of the word. Plus you are from Wisconsin and I love me some cheese.
Love your username. When I read it I think about Die Heard 3 (from the era when they could still make fun action movies!)

The content of this page was created by users. It has not been screened or verified by IMDb staff.
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Charles Weiss: [coming in] A nut who knows a lot about bombs. We found this in a playground. Professional. Very cool stuff. You know...
[thuds the bomb on Cobb's desk]
Charles Weiss: Boom!
Inspector Cobb: You think you should slam it around like that, Charlie?
Charles Weiss: It's unmixed. You can't hurt it. This stuff is cutting edge. It's a binary liquid.
Inspector Cobb: A what?
Charles Weiss: Like epoxi. Two liquids.
[puts a dab of the clear liquid on Cobb's desk]
Charles Weiss: Now, either one by itself,
[hits it with his shoe]
Charles Weiss: you got nothing. But, mix them...
[swirls a paper clip in both liquids and throws it at a chair, the mixture explodes violently knocking the chair across the room]
Connie Kowalski: [yelling] Charlie, you're gonna be wearin' that chair up your ass!
Inspector Cobb: [yelling] Christ almighty, Charlie!
Charles Weiss: Like I said very cool stuff. Now, with a package like this, you get a warning. Now, the bomb has to arm itself. You'll see the red liquid pump into the clear before it detonates.
John McClane: How long before?
Charles Weiss: Ten seconds, two minutes, it could be anything. But, once it's mixed, be somewhere else.

Charles Weiss: No guts. No glory.

[Weiss is hardwiring the bomb in Chester A. Arthur Elementary School]
Charles Weiss: Six ****y traps, four dead ends, "and a Partridge in a pear tree." Okay, honey. Let's dance.
Alex_Chris, you have 2 great names in one username. Although I would have to call you Alexander Christopher, as I love both those names in their long form....:)
CLynn I've had some great conversations with you and really admire your dedication and contributions to this forum. You always seem to have an open and unbiased opinion on important topics bring up on the forum!

I don't know you but from what I know I think the fact that you survived Crohn's since the age of 2 makes you a brave strong child, teenager and adult .. You give me motivation to stay strong always.. Thank you :hug:
I hope you have a great day on the road. I'll be BBQ'ing on this worm sunny, California day hoping that you are in good health.

Jim (Pops)
Jim my chat buddy (pops) I hope your fishing trip goes really well! Can't wait to see what you catch!

Bigtruck OMG that is so funny!! :rof: your butt must be giving you a very hard time like mine we are awesome pl
Ppl :beerchug:
Forever, you're so sweet, funny and kind! You're so great to talk to in chat, and one of my first and best forum friends. I've missed you lately! :p
Something nice to the person above you.

Sheesh, how come nobody else can follow directions!?

And Sarah's cool. She's got a cute dog and a good attitude and contributes lots of great stuff to the forum.
Lustforlife, you've been waiting so patiently for someone to say something nice about you! You were really considerate tagging me when you saw a new member was from the same city as me, I appreciated that very much. :) I don't know you well but your profile pic makes you look very tall. ;)
This is a good idea for a thread!

Nogutsnoglory, I see you helping so many people on here, it's good to have people like you on here!
furiousfunker you were so kind to our scared and lost friend Amy.
So tell me, are you a furious funker, music wise?
Astra your smile is amazing and brings a lot of happiness. I have enjoyed and been helped by many of your post, thank you ;)
If* Thank you so much!
I don't know you, you must be a newbie? So, a big welcome from me, xxx
Astra love your quote: "no one should make you feel inferior without your consent" it's absolutely true it's all in our perception.
furiousfunker you were so kind to our scared and lost friend Amy.
So tell me, are you a furious funker, music wise?

thanks Astra! is Amy still around on here? doing well I hope!

and unfortunately I am not as much of a furious funker as I used to be, if anything im now an occasional funker, but I use that username on every forum I use, so I had to keep it! it was from when I was younger I used to play a lot of guitar and bass guitar, nowadays im into all music, quite the genre spanner.

anywayyyy, back to the game!
sickinlk, unfortunately i don't know you! so all i can go on, is that i love Irish people! i know loads through work and they are such a pleasure to be around, so i am sure you are the same!
furiousfunker you have a way with writing, getting your message out just like as if you are speaking. It's nice :)
If*, you are new to the forum, but you are already quickly showing your kindness and support to others on here. Thank you and welcome to our little IBD club! :)
I love your piccie - big strong bear but we all know that 'teddy bears' are also big softies.
Hug a bear :ghug:

Great thread by the way!
Anyone who is kind to bears is fine with me Carol.

Good job Dusty had not posted above me - would not have been able to think of a single thing.
Yes,Robert I'm struggling too.You very rarely have a kind word to say but I know you're kidding,And you always make me smile.......NEVER KID A KIDDER !!!!
Cheryl........Always a kind word for all (Except you know who).Cheerful (mostly)And very good at sarcasm.She's comfortable to be around and I'm very happy to be her friend.Bless you Cheryl xx.......

PS. I'm not sure I was supposed to post again,but felt I must.
it's already a bit off-track :p

But it's GREAT to see you CLynn showing such kindness to your friends. It shows just how much of an awesome connection you can have with folks on the forum. :)