Scared about surgery

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Mar 16, 2014
new here first post

Im 16 and in two days about to have my first surgery.
Im worried that im going to wake up to intense pain.
20cm of my ileum is being removed (I think)

If you was to rate the pain what would you compare it too? as all i seem to be worried about is pain of waking up.
Hello there and a very warm welcome to the forum. I am sorry to hear you are needing surgery and it is only natural to feel scared. Try not to worry too much about the pain. You will be given strong painkillers to control it and they will gradually wean you off them when you are ready. I would say there is some discomfort, but they will ask you about your pain levels regularly and give you something if it is more than that.
Thanks for the info , keep having small panic attacks on the inside i dont feel like i can do it but i have no choice >< Any tips on staying calm?
Sometimes i chilled about it but its tommorow now :eek2:
You will be heavily drugged and you won't feel too much pain. Honestly it's not too bad it's just sore since you were cut open so moving around in bed hurts but I have been through multiple surgeries and it's manageable.
Hi and welcome. My first surgery was at 16. It's natural to feel the way you do. Doctors are going to do everything they can to keep you comfortable. It helps speed up the recovery. I'm usually given fentinol or dilaudid after surgery. They are wonderful drugs that send
me off to sleep. They will start weening you off the heavy drugs before you're discharged.
Hope all goes well.
Thanks for the reassurance.
I have not been good with pain since humira (it cant be worse than humira right?).
I just wish i knew what was gonna happen no matter how much i read up on this i still have that uneasy feeling, Just gonna have to let it happen.
Tell the how anxious you are when you arrive at the hospital. They gave me something before they wheeled my down. After all my surgeries it's become a part of life and I don't get stressed much any more. I'm sure you'll do fine.
Spend time with friends and family til you have to go in. It will help to keep your mind off things. Listen to your favourite music and take some into the hospital with you. And remember, lots of people go through surgery and are fine.
Good luck tomorrow and post when you can to let us know how you got on. Big hugs.
I'm going to answer you honestly, based on my experience of 6 abdominal/pelvic surgeries: the pain will vary a lot from one patient to the next and one surgery to the next, even among those having resection surgery as opposed to other kinds.

Waking up is usually not the worst part. You're heavily drugged at that point. It is more likely your pain will increase a couple of days after surgery as the anaesthesia wears off.

A lot of people will tell you you will manage it with pain relief. I'm not sure whether my experience goes against the norm, but I've often been greatly restricted regarding painkillers I'm allowed, as opiates slow the bowel - something my doctors didn't want happening after my surgeries - so I couldn't have any good painkillers. They give me things like paracetamol, but that hardly counts as a painkiller in my book.

That said, I got through some major operations despite not much in the way of pain relief.

When you're in severe pain you just take it moment by moment. Moving is often more painful than staying still, and I found having the moral support of a nurse or family member there when I had to do something like walk to the bathroom helped me enormously. Even if you're capable of walking on your own (which you should be), having someone to hold you hand when it hurts really helps!

Avoid any bending or lifting after surgery for several weeks as this will help to speed up your healing.

I hope all has gone well!
Hello Con b and :welcome: sorry you have to have surgery praying for a speedy recovery sending :ghug: your way.
Recovering At the moment pain not so bad
not looking forward to the pee tube being removed
Pee tube honestly isn't bad at all. It doesn't hurt or anything. Mines coming out today :)
Hi. The catheter takes about 2 seconds to come out. Feels weird but not painful. Always joyful to get it out.
I loved my pee tube! I ask my nurses if i can take it home with me :lol2: They laughed and said that i was propaply the only person how has said that. It was so easy cos you didn't have to get u every hour to pee.
Like other people have said, it was weird, not painful. I've never been able to properly describe what it feels like.
It really does help to just be positive. I had the fear before my surgery mainly due to other past issues. Always try to be a P.U.M.A positive upward mental attitude. Im 4 weeks past my surgery and its all good no real pain my time in hospital is but a weird memory. You will be fine and are young so will recover quickly.
almost all done going home tommorow i have a chest cough , but coughing hurts the scar haha cant win
Hold a pillow against your stomach and apply some light pressure when you cough. That will help immensely.
I had surgery last Thursday and nothings moved yet :( still have an NG tube that is hooked up to suction. Doesn't look like I'm leaving anytime soon. I want to take the new plumbing for a test drive! Wish things would get in gear.

Ps just had a huge coughing fit while walking in the hall. Almost died lol
at home now , trouble sleeping , constantly on the toilet and lower abdomen is swollen abit cant wait for this to be over ><
The things we go through to try for a healthy existence is mind boggling. Next doctor that suggests surgery swear to god I can't be held accountable for my actions !
worse thing is i still had drug options also i was not really in a bad state before hand just hope i have atleast 10 years before any other surgeries of any kind.
Hiya Con b

I'm 4 weeks post op, it all seems like years ago! I have no pain at all now, I'm driving and doing light housework and a bit of gardening. I'm wary of bending and lifting though.
Sleeping was difficult for me too, but I used a pillow either side of my belly to make sure that I didn't roll through the night, this really helps.
It will get easier, I promise xxx
would you say any of this is normal 7-8 days post op?
Discomfort when peeing <- This is the most confusing
Discomfort when pooing
Lower-lower abdomen swollen alittle
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