I think perhaps your opening line has been mis-interpreted. (Or maybe just my take on it is wrong). My take is that you are scared, and are wondering about starting LDN. I think I can help in at least one regard. When surgeons start talking about how much should come out, they talk so casually... like it is no big deal. That's because they're doing the cutting, and someone isn't thinking about cutting out bits of them. I had 1 1/2 feet removed the last surgery... it was supposed to cure me. It didn't. But it really was not a horrible, even fearful thing. It actually gave me a break of several weeks while I was healing where I had no disease symptoms at all.. just the healing process. Unfortunately, the disease came back, worse than ever. Fast forward (in retrospect) to November of 2007. That's when I started on LDN. It wasn't an overnight success. I had to tuff out the early weeks, I got worse, was terrified it wasn't going to work, before I got better. And better. And better. Next November, less than 3 months away, I will be CELEBRATING 5 years on LDN, and there have been no ER trips, no surgeries, or anything along those lines since. I live, I work, and I play, all thanks to a little pill that I take each night at bedtime. That's what it did for me. Now, in your case, considering how bad your condition is currently, you might want to consider minimizing your risk by taking LDN in conjunction with some other drug. (if you are considering LDN). I 'believe' it can be taken with other drugs... Just because I went at it cold turkey doesn't mean everyone else has to as well. I 'think' pred is a drug that can be combined with LDN to start. Let the 'pred' get you over the first bumps, and let LDN carry you the rest of the way as you taper off the pred. (I'm no expert, no medical training, but I've heard that the 'experts' say there is no reason not to use certain other drugs... who these experts are and exactly what other drugs you can take with LDN escapes me? I'm afraid you will have to do your own research in that department. I do know LDN worked/works for me, and I believe the stats say it works in about 89% of the people who take it for Crohns.