Stressed, scared, and worried :(

Crohn's Disease Forum

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I had a bowel movement this morning that was near completely black, but when I wiped it was a normal brown. I assume if it was blood that when I wiped it would be black also? And I had a lot of prunes yesterday and the day before so idk if that caused it
Could have been.
Had another bowel movement and it was back to normal, I guess it was the prunes. I had pain with some bowel movements yesterday and got scared that I had another fissure, had a breakdown and ended up at the counseling center at my college. The lady I saw there believes that I'm angry all of the time cuz of everything but I'm stopping it before it reaches the surface and hiding it with my anxiety
Do you have someone to talk to? It is pretty common for people with chronic illnesses to suppress emotions......

Remember the members are here to talk to also.....
I do have people to talk to but they'd get pretty upset if I told them :( I've calmed down a bit but I'm still very tired of all this :(