Hi Everyone,
I just needed to get some stuff off my chest. I am not doing well at all. As some of you already know, I have been sick for 9 years with various health issues. For the last two years I have been dealing with intestinal pains and cramps and just feeling horrible 90% of the time. I feel like I have gotten worse with time. I have went trhough a few tests which have not really been useful in finding anything( MRE small bowel, CT scan, blood work, stool tests).Gastro doc opted NOT to do a colonoscopy due to all my other health issues which it certainly will complicate( I get UTI's very easily that are rather hard to treat and when I get diarrrahe, I usually get UTI's). I have IC of the bladder and that complicates things too.
Anyhow, my gastro keeps telling me he is sure I have IBS. I really honestly in my heart do not believe that I have IBS! Now I have developed a small lump under my skin next to my anus, it is not on the anus but kind of on the cheek, but close enough. It had been there for about almost two weeks. You cannot really see it, it is only that I can feel it. It feels like a small pea size lump under the skin. It is somewhat tender too. It feels a bit firm, not hard like rock, but kind of like what a frozen pee would feel like under the skin, maybe a tad bigger, but not much. I have been putting warm compresses on it and it makes no difference at all really. It still stays the same. I am seeing my Gastro doc Thie Wednesday which is the day after tomorrow to ask him to look. I also feel pain in my anal canal. It feels so irritated up there , it hurts!! I mean three weeks ago I went to the ER because of severe lower abdominal/pelvic pain. They did a CT scan, blood work and sent me on my way saying they had no explanation for my pain!!
Here is the thing, I have battling chronic illness for 9 years now. I cannot even tell you how many doctors I have seen( too many to count). I have learned just how ignorant a lot of doctors are when it comes to ANY chroinc illness. They have no clue. I have lost all my faith is doctors, I mean I literally do NOT trust any of them after all I have been through! Even my husband and my dad feel the same way. They think I have been made worse off after I get through with the doctors!! I have to agree, that usually doctors make situations worse, not better in a lot of cases, at least that has been the case for me. I have NO quality of life anymore. I am or should I say WAS a very positive person before now. I mean I also am a very realistic person as well. I whole heartedly believe in a "quality" of life, not so much quantity. I mean after all the suffering I have been through with my health and severe pain, I am not afraid to die and I almost would welcome it at times.... I am sorry if this sounds negative or depressing, but it is what it is.
I am scared to go to the doctor because I know how bad most of them are. I have been through so much crap with doctors that I just dont even want to bother going anymore, but I am sick and in pain and feel like I am at their mercy. I just am so tired of fighting this fight. 9 years of fighting several very painful diseases has taken its toll on me. I am so done. I mean there is a good possiblity I ave Crohns. Part of me wants to know, but then part of me does not even want to find out. I mean in the end, I cannot take all those meds they use to treat it anyhow, not with all my severe chemical sensitivities. No way. So what is the point?? I wont have surgery, I will die first. I dont think I will ever let a doctor touch me, seriously, I am more afraid of a whack surgeon making me worse off than of dying... I wish I was more ignorant when it comes to knowledge regarding the medical community, I mean ignorance is bliss! But unfortunately after dealing with doctors( an I mean supposed TOP doctors) only to learn they are not that hot, well I lost all my trust in them. That is the bad thing about being chronically ill with many things, you learn real fast just how inadeaquate the whole medical system really is. I mean it is scary...
Sorry for the rant. I am in pain, I dont know what is wrong, and I just dont care anymore. I want it to all be over. Some may look at me like I am being negative or pessamistic, but really, I am not. I am being realistic. I mean I dont see a point if living if it is only to suffer. My mother was chronically ill most of her life as well. I remember when she was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer back in 2002. She got the news and of course we were all devestated. I still remember crying and my mom telling me not to cry. She told me please, feel happy for me that I wont have to suffer here in this life anymore. I can totally relate to how my mom felt now. I mean I am not living right now, I am exsisting, that is all, and what kind of life is that really???
Thanks for listening, I am just so fed up and tired....:yfrown:
I just needed to get some stuff off my chest. I am not doing well at all. As some of you already know, I have been sick for 9 years with various health issues. For the last two years I have been dealing with intestinal pains and cramps and just feeling horrible 90% of the time. I feel like I have gotten worse with time. I have went trhough a few tests which have not really been useful in finding anything( MRE small bowel, CT scan, blood work, stool tests).Gastro doc opted NOT to do a colonoscopy due to all my other health issues which it certainly will complicate( I get UTI's very easily that are rather hard to treat and when I get diarrrahe, I usually get UTI's). I have IC of the bladder and that complicates things too.
Anyhow, my gastro keeps telling me he is sure I have IBS. I really honestly in my heart do not believe that I have IBS! Now I have developed a small lump under my skin next to my anus, it is not on the anus but kind of on the cheek, but close enough. It had been there for about almost two weeks. You cannot really see it, it is only that I can feel it. It feels like a small pea size lump under the skin. It is somewhat tender too. It feels a bit firm, not hard like rock, but kind of like what a frozen pee would feel like under the skin, maybe a tad bigger, but not much. I have been putting warm compresses on it and it makes no difference at all really. It still stays the same. I am seeing my Gastro doc Thie Wednesday which is the day after tomorrow to ask him to look. I also feel pain in my anal canal. It feels so irritated up there , it hurts!! I mean three weeks ago I went to the ER because of severe lower abdominal/pelvic pain. They did a CT scan, blood work and sent me on my way saying they had no explanation for my pain!!
Here is the thing, I have battling chronic illness for 9 years now. I cannot even tell you how many doctors I have seen( too many to count). I have learned just how ignorant a lot of doctors are when it comes to ANY chroinc illness. They have no clue. I have lost all my faith is doctors, I mean I literally do NOT trust any of them after all I have been through! Even my husband and my dad feel the same way. They think I have been made worse off after I get through with the doctors!! I have to agree, that usually doctors make situations worse, not better in a lot of cases, at least that has been the case for me. I have NO quality of life anymore. I am or should I say WAS a very positive person before now. I mean I also am a very realistic person as well. I whole heartedly believe in a "quality" of life, not so much quantity. I mean after all the suffering I have been through with my health and severe pain, I am not afraid to die and I almost would welcome it at times.... I am sorry if this sounds negative or depressing, but it is what it is.
I am scared to go to the doctor because I know how bad most of them are. I have been through so much crap with doctors that I just dont even want to bother going anymore, but I am sick and in pain and feel like I am at their mercy. I just am so tired of fighting this fight. 9 years of fighting several very painful diseases has taken its toll on me. I am so done. I mean there is a good possiblity I ave Crohns. Part of me wants to know, but then part of me does not even want to find out. I mean in the end, I cannot take all those meds they use to treat it anyhow, not with all my severe chemical sensitivities. No way. So what is the point?? I wont have surgery, I will die first. I dont think I will ever let a doctor touch me, seriously, I am more afraid of a whack surgeon making me worse off than of dying... I wish I was more ignorant when it comes to knowledge regarding the medical community, I mean ignorance is bliss! But unfortunately after dealing with doctors( an I mean supposed TOP doctors) only to learn they are not that hot, well I lost all my trust in them. That is the bad thing about being chronically ill with many things, you learn real fast just how inadeaquate the whole medical system really is. I mean it is scary...
Sorry for the rant. I am in pain, I dont know what is wrong, and I just dont care anymore. I want it to all be over. Some may look at me like I am being negative or pessamistic, but really, I am not. I am being realistic. I mean I dont see a point if living if it is only to suffer. My mother was chronically ill most of her life as well. I remember when she was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer back in 2002. She got the news and of course we were all devestated. I still remember crying and my mom telling me not to cry. She told me please, feel happy for me that I wont have to suffer here in this life anymore. I can totally relate to how my mom felt now. I mean I am not living right now, I am exsisting, that is all, and what kind of life is that really???
Thanks for listening, I am just so fed up and tired....:yfrown: