Scarring on belly button

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Sep 23, 2009
My belly button looks so weird and closed up like a knot. Will this scar and possible inflammation open up? I want my normal belly button back lol.
You're lucky to still have a belly button! Mine disappeared somewhere between the third and fourth times that they opened me up from ribcage to pubic bone. :ylol2:

I have a Chinese friend who thinks that it is very bad fortune that I no longer have a belly button because in China the navel is considered to be of very great importance, leading directly into the inner body. I tell her that the bad fortune (having Crohns) happened to me well before the loss of my navel. :rolleyes:
lol, I have half a navel left. I could put jewelry on it if I wanted too. There is a slit in the back of it!!! It is not pretty and will never be pretty again, but truly it is the smallest of my problems. Nogutsnoglory, you might not get your old belly button back! I wouldn't worry about it opening tho. I wish I could tell you it will get better. I suppose you could see a plastic surgeon about it, but I might be easier just to get used to the one you have.
and Susan2 I am glad I am not Chinese. It is hard enough losing your navel w/out having to consider the implications of ones luck!
It will open more (mine did a lot) and it helps to massage it and stretch it a little.
BTW Vitamin E oil is great for scars.
nogutsnoglory, I just don't know. Mine never got better. I have now had 5 abdominal surgeries. My belly looks like an off kilter ladder! I hope yours gets better, but remember, you are much more than your belly!
You're lucky to still have a belly button! Mine disappeared somewhere between the third and fourth times that they opened me up from ribcage to pubic bone. :ylol2:

I have a Chinese friend who thinks that it is very bad fortune that I no longer have a belly button because in China the navel is considered to be of very great importance, leading directly into the inner body. I tell her that the bad fortune (having Crohns) happened to me well before the loss of my navel. :rolleyes:

Tell her you are a clone and that's why you don't have a navel... ;)
I've been opened like a Christmas turkey, on 22nd of December last year actually. And my belly button opened again. Took about 2 months, but here it came again. And damned if I didnt have to give it a good clean. Errgh!

Usually, after one or two surgeries it will open again...after that all bets are off.
Ohnestly speaking I prefer to have an innie belly button. Can anybody tell me how I can make my outie an innie, without surgery of course
mozzy...pretty sure that's impossible...So do you guys/girls have scars around your bellybutton AND a cross looking bellybutton.
I remember after surgery I thought I'd be living the rest of my life without a belly button. It was actually there the whole time, it just was sooo squeezed in. After about 2 months or so and some fattening up, mine popped back open! It's a nice little hole now (looks mostly regular except for the scar which lines the top and side of it)
mine too :) but i have surgery friday so it will be a slit again..:/ hooray for bellybuttons!

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