SCD Crunchy Lentil Crackers

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Dec 10, 2010
These are based on Indian papadams, which are fried crunchy "crackers" made from bean flour. Here is my SCD version. I used a Vitamix, but you might be able to grind the soaked lentils in a blender or food processor.

2 cups lentils, soaked per SCD instructions
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper

1. Drain and rinse lentils and put in Vitamix. Add salt and pepper. Grind until a paste. This will be too wet to roll into crackers but can be fried as is for a glob of lentil that's crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside.

2. Spread out on aluminum foil or parchment and dry in oven on 170 degrees for 2 hours. Turn oven off and leave lentil paste in it overnight. If you want to keep checking I suspect this would reach the proper consistency without having to wait overnight. It was late though and I went to bed.

3. Next day: While heating enough oil to deep fry, put dried lentil paste into a bowl and add bits of water until you can form into a workable ball. You want it to stick together and hold its form. Your dough should be quite stiff.

4. Flatten a bit and put between two sheets of parchment. Roll out until thin. Mine were about a quarter inch thick. Cut with cookie cutter or pizza cutter.

5. Carefully peel up and drop into hot oil. Flip when edges are brown. These fry FAST. Drain.

Pic of one cracker. Ugly but delicious. The flavor is kind of like sesame, subtle and a little nutty. You could add all kinds of spices.

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