Scheduled for infusion

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Jun 13, 2012
I just got word from my GI that he is scheduling my infusion. I'm a little nervous, but hope it can help me.
Well- I was nervous enough for a couple hundred patients- so you can just sit back and relax! It was not to bad, and went smoother than I thought it would. Ofcourse I felt every side affect they had listed and ofcourse this was before the IV was even hooked up to needle in my arm!

Really- relax- its not so bad!!

Try to relax, it's not bad. I used to think the worst thing was the needle at the beginning, but truthfully ripping off the tape at the end usually hurts worse. The actual infusion has always gone fine for me, going on #10 this month.

How long did it take to achieve remission for you? What other drugs
are you on? And I now have lrg bowel and small bowel

You can see in my sig what my course of treatment has been. It doesn't list Pentasa but I did try it and it didn't work at all. I'm taking only Remicade now. I achieved remission in December of last year after 5 infusions and a lot of prednisone. It was important for me to come off prednisone verrry slowely. I think all the previous times I came off too fast and symptoms returned. I also think alcohol is a trigger for me so I don't drink any alcohol.

I have mostly large bowel though they did see some irritation in small bowel and I take omeprazol for a stomach ulcer.