Scope findings

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Jul 7, 2010
scope findings

Had my scope today. He found my colon is severely inflamed and that's what was causing my d and pain. He took some biopsies to see if he needed to double my remicade or move on to cimzia or humira. This is exhausting lol. Any opinions from anyone? I have an apt in 2 weeks to get the biopsy results. I'm kinda tired of all the medication. Should I go along with his suggestions or push for surgery? My dad really wants me to have it so I don't live such a ****** but the Dr is the professional I assuming he knows best? Thanks for the support everyone.
Try to avoid surgery for as long as you can (my opinion anyway). Surgery should be used as a last resort when medication fails. After surgery those with IBD have a greater risk of flaring again and in the same area which leads to more and more surgery losing more and more bowel which can cause short bowel syndrome or may require a stoma depending on how much bowel gets removed. I had my surgery because medication wasn't working anymore but I went years trying out different medications to get into remission. I was in remission a few times before surgery. I'd go with the doctor's suggestion rather than listening to other people pressuring you.
So, no c-diff? I guess that is a good thing, but I am sorry your Crohn's is acting up. I think you have been on Remicade for sometime now, correct? If so, perhaps it is time to move on. It obviously isn't doing the trick. If I were you, I'd give Humira a try before opting for surgery. There are several members who did well on Humira when Remicade didn't work or stopped working. I assume your GI thinks it would work well for you, correct? I would certainly give it a try.

What are you leaning towards??
Thanks for the advice. Of course I'm about trying alternatives but so far I was so happy with the remicade until my last infusion. It's scary to think its not working bc I felt so amazing from it. I'm open to try other rhings but not for much longer I think. I thought I had the strength but this disease has gotten the best of me and idk how much longer I can hold on. Everything has changed so much. I'm open to give it a try if he truly thinks it could help. But if I'm just one of those that need surgery I'm ok with that too. It's heartbreaking to be 20 yrs old and wake up wishing for someone to put me out of my misery :( and I know there are people way worse than I but I think I've just reached a breaking point.

Hi, I have had the surgery option looming in the background for some time and although it hasnt happenned yet, I know its going to at some point in my life. My GI has pretty much said its going to happen its just a matter of trialling everything else first. I can understand your dilemma here as after a while of being poked and prodded and suffering symptoms, trying this medication, trying something else and then not having successful enough results, you do question your options. If you feel you have done everything possible to try to treat this then where do you go from here? No one wants surgery, is it easier to have mentally prepared as best you can to deal with it if its planned, i think so. I would try to avoid the surgery option as long as possible, but if you feel you have done this then surgery might be the one thing that gets you the results you desire. This is a difficult choice to make and unfortunately its one you will have to think long and hard about. You know how much you can take and will have the support from all whatever decision you make. Sorry if this is of no help to you. I too have thought about this many times over. It terrifies me. Im not sure what advice to give you, other than weigh up the pros and cons and follow your gut feeling. (sorry no pun intended) take care.

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