Screaming in pain after poo

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Jan 31, 2012
Does anyone know what might be going on? She is a little red but don't see anything. She went alot but not diareha or hard. She is on miralax daily. Of course happens when I am waiting for the doctor to call back. Too late for hime to call today already 4:30. Any suggestions?:stinks:
She has calmed down finally. I feel sooooo bad for her. She hasn't had a pain attack like this for monthes. Thanks for listening to me. Hope dr calls in am.
Check REALLY closely for a fissure.
V had one around dx time that was VERY hard to see and didn't bleed.
I learned of its existence when she said a Phenergan suppository I was trying to insert was KILLING her. Fissures can hurt like crazy, I hear.
Have a squirt bottle by the toilet and let her rinse herself after a movement. That may help remove any remaining stool and keep the area clean. If there is a fistula, this will also help keep it clean and less painful. Hope ths helps!
:hug:poor Chloe! Sounds like a fissure to me, maybe some Calmoseptine around the area would help. Sending hugs to you both!
I hope Chloe is feeling better soon, bless her. :hug:

I agree with checking for a fissure or tear or it may be that it is a little raw from going so much. Do you have some Calmospetine or something similar that you can pop on the area? A sitz bath may help as well.

Dusty. xxx
Yes a sitz bath with Epsom salts is very helpful and healing,too, especially right after a bowel movement.
Poor little thing - it sounds like she might have a fissue. Lucy has had them a lot and the crying after the poo is absolutely horendous. We were given a gel called instillagel (dont know if it called something different where you are) - it is basically a gel that comes in syrnge type packaging that is both local anaesthetic and antispectic. You place it around the anus about 5 - 10 minutes before bowel motion if you can and it does help. We had limited sucess with it as we could never get it on in time and fissures are internal anyway but it may be worth a try. Bathing straight after the bm also helped us. Our GI tends to treat fissures in the firstinstance with flagyl.

Good luck I hope you find out what is going on.
Thanks for all the tips. We are still waiting for her to go. Not sure what to expect. I am watching her close! We see doc on Friday luckily!!!!!