Sedation for colonoscopy didn't work :(

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Apr 3, 2011
So I went for my colonoscopy yesterday. After waiting in the tiny waiting room I was taken to the room where the camera takes place. I requested sedation, which they gave me. But it didn't work right, I was sedated for a very short time but could feel the camera and apparently then I burst into tears and was repeatedly saying 'I'm meant to be asleep'. They decided to stop because I was distressed. I'd had the highest dose of sedation so they couldn't give me anymore and couldn't do it with gas and air. When they were wheeling me out I was so confused and was pleading them to take me back in! I've been an emotional wreck since!

I fully understand why they chose to stop, but am just frustrated because I want answers! It's only 3.5 months since my ileoceacal resection and I still have the majority of my symptoms!

They said they'll do it again, but under anaesthetic in theatre this time so I'm definitely asleep, as they need to go right round with camera.

I'm just wondering if anything similar has happened to anyone else? I've been sedated 3 times for the camera before with no issues.

My surgeon who did it spoke to me after and explained it as - you can have a few glasses of wine and be ok most of the time, but one day you might have it and it makes you cry. He said that's what happened to me with the sedation.

Thanks for reading n in advance for any replies.

An emotional and wanting answers Yvette 😢
That's pretty rough - I had one scope done without sedation because I had to arrange my own travel back. Not a pleasant experience in any way. Are they getting you rescheduled soon? Hope you won't have to wait too long.

I have also had a surgery where the symptoms were only partially addressed. The way it was explained to me was that I had already had so much removed, they didn't want to take areas that appeared to be only partially affected. While it was well intentioned, those parts had to come out later anyhow. Sometimes the surgeons have a pretty difficult call to make when you are unable to tell them which approach you would rather deal with.

Hope it settles well for you, and quickly.
Hi Shamrock,

Thanks for your comments. He said they'd get me back in a couple of weeks, but from experience I know it won't be that quick. The wine analogy he used was in relation to the sedation and helped me relate to what the hell happened to me after having it. Lol it was bizarre!

I had my resection following a small bowel study through MRI scan showing I had narrowing, they told me they took 8 inches out that looked 'crohnsy' (his actual words!). I think all the focus was on my small bowel and they forgot that my crohns is dotted around my large bowel too. Hence this colonsocopy. We will see. I guess after surgery you just pray and hope all will be ok.

Thanks again :)
I had a very similar thing in my colonoscopy. Luckily it wasn't bad enough for them to stop so the Doc was able to finish and get the info he needed. But it was a very strange experience.
I felt ok and was watching the screen with interest one minute and the next I was crying. It reminded me alot of the very rare occasions I have found my self crying in a loo at a club and I must admit I put it down to sucking too hard on the gas and air but it could have been the sedation.
Anyway it sounds like your Doc was familiar with it so it cant be too rare and I hope you get the answers you need when they put you under.
Thanks Beachbum. Yea I think he must of seen it before, I was a little embarrassed after, but it wasn't my fault. Oh well roll on the anaesthetic lol!
That happened to me too. Sedation wore off half way and he couldn't give me any more - I was also crying/pleading for more. If I have another one I will definitely have a general anaesthetic!
Oh my god, what a nightmare. The two times Iv'e had colonoscopies I didn't remember a thing.

I hope you can get back soon for answers and be asleep this time!
Sascot - thanks for letting me know it's happened to you too, I know I'm not on my own now. It was so confusing and surreal! I'm glad the next attempt is under general anaesthetic now. :)

Bad belly - thanks for your support. It wasn't nice. I'm same had it 3 times before n didn't know a thing, even when I was at point of diagnosis and seriously inflammed! They said they'll put me under general anaesthetic this time so there's no chance I'll wake up. Just hope it's soon and they get me back on meds! I go on holiday in 9 weeks lol! :)
Anaesthetics can vary wildly when there working.i remember coming round after ankle surgery and I remember someone speaking absolute filth,realised it was me but couldn't,t stop it,when I fully woke and regained control I was mortified and was making heartfelt apologies to the mostly female theatre staff,who weren't,t fazed by it at all,believe me I was!always had locals or sedation since some of which randomly don,t work to well,my advice is don,t think about,don,t pick at it,forget it .good luck all the best.
P.s my ex-girlfriend at the time worked for akzo Nobel and her claim to fame was anaesthetics she explained why this happens,way above my pay scale
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Thanks Axel :)

I remember coming round from my bowel resection and my first question was 'have I got a bag'! And that was my next question and the one after that and after that! Lol, I guess they must be used to it and we're not.
That happened to me as well, I woke in the mist of the upper GI with trying to pull the tube out(fell like I was drowning). And then they gave me a little moe and I was out again, woke in excruciating pain when the were doing the colo per diagnosis and I was begging them to stop, so they did. I had to go back 1 week later and be fully sedated and then received my dx of CD. So, you are not alone, happens a lot! Best of luck with your next one you shouldn't feel anything:)
Thanks Dragonfly :) in my first one when I was hospitalised and they were trying to find out what was wrong, they said I was saying 'ouch' etc but I don't remember any of it. I'm not surprised though, as I was so inflammed. But not this time lol, I'm trying to laugh about it now. Thanks again :)
Oh god, this sounds terrifying, and I have my second one next month :( The last one I had I was sedated but remember waking up at odd moments, and one time screaming in agony as I felt it nudge things inside me it shouldn't be nudging..
So sorry! Did you feel any pain? Or gas presure ? A few years ago i had a bad dr. And he did both test. One down the mouth and he turned the table and did the colonoscopy. By then i woke up! He stareded and put the gas in i felt the Whole thing!! Lots of pain . He orded the nurses to press on my tummy. I cryed. Thats when he ordered the door shut! The nurses i meet ladder. At the pool. They were sorry the dr. Blamed them. At that time the dr. Could not find nothing. And wanted to do all the test over again. I fired him. So when i was rushed to the ER because i bleed out. Met my new dr. I still have! He wanted a colonoscopy. I cryed. And i told them . They got the records. My husband had to hold my hand to the OR door .The Dr. read the report and was upset but understand why i was upset! That dr. gave me meds that was only good for a mouse ! Now im been taken care of. And i get pictures each time!! Please talk to your Dr. And see if your ok with what he sayes! Make sure he/she explains whats what! If not get another! Its your body. Some times we have to:) get Mad! maria
Hi mdd, thanks for your comments and gosh your experience sounds a lot worse than mine.

It didn't hurt and I didn't feel any gas pressure thank god. He'd only got the camera into my sigmoid colon and thats when I had my 'episode' lol! I'm pleased they didn't carry on and decided to do it another day under general anaesthetic. I have a really good consultant luckily (after complaining about the nasty, arrogant first consultant I had. That was my time at getting mad with them.). It was however my surgeon who attempted to do the camera, he said until they've done these checks I'm staying under him, then will be referred back to my consultant. I do like the surgeon too though, he's very experienced. But they didn't explain what was going on, which I think added to my confusion.

Roll on the general, I'll definitely be out then :) thanks again :)
I am latex sensitive so I had to go the hospital to get the colonoscopy. I was awake/drowsy until it started to hurt. I was screaming out in pain. The doc said to give me more sedative and had me roll on my stomach. They found polyps and so next year I have to have another one done. Not looking forward to it because it was painful but I am looking forward to it because something is going on with my colon.
I had both an upper endoscopy and colonoscopy with no sedation.

For the upper I was offered "sedation which might not work and you'll feel everything" or a throat numbing spray. I opted for the latter and had such a bad time during the procedure that I would not have anything less than a general anaesthesia if I needed another.

The colonoscopy I had gas and air for pain relief. I'd already had a flex-sig for which you get nothing so I knew the procedure wouldn't be bad. There was one painful moment which was gotten over with a few puffs of the pain relief. Mainly minor discomfort. Got much easier once the camera was on it's way out since that follows the normal path the intestines are used to.

My colon was not inflamed and was normal apart from one episode of spasm that the Dr seemed surprised at. He did not write this on the report so had I been sedated I would have known nothing about it.

The prep was 100 times worse than the procedure and I wouldn't hesitate to have another colonoscopy with just gas & air.
Oh you poor thing, having to prep twice! Unfortunately, I have been in the same boat. The last three colonoscopies I have had with sedation were very unpleasant. I woke up and felt the camera going through my intestines. NOT. FUN. The GI has told me that anytime I get a colonoscopy/enodoscopy in the future it will be under general anesthesia. I don't mind a whole lot though, because I'd rather not feel a camera passing through my insides, thanks anyway. Plus, general anesthesia gives me dreams about puppies and clouds :)
Haha EssieLuv about your dreams :) I'm with you there is no chance I'm ever having a colonoscopy without being asleep. Not a chance, I could be awake. Think I'll be like you now and any cameras to be under general :)
hi, it was the right thing to stop because if it was this painful, its because there was prolly a bow that day in your colon. It happened to me only 1 time and we had to stop, I told the doctor to stop, the procedure was just too painful, it was abnormal. Forcing the intestine with the endoscope can lead to perforation and under general anastesia, we cant tell them to stop if they are forcing the wrong way. It is definately safer to have a colonoscopy only sedated and not under genereal anaesteasia, not to mention that there are also risks associated with anastesia itself. theres good chance you'd return with a normal sedation and you would be just fine.
Hello! I'm sorry to hear the sedation didn't work for you. :( I had the exact same experience during my first colonoscopy. They took one picture before deciding to stop. I had to redo it under general a month later and they were able to finish. :) my Crohn's is very mild so I'm not quite sure why I was in so much pain, other than maybe that I'm 19 and smaller than most my age. But I do hope things are better for you under GA!
Thanks for your comments. I didn't feel any pain I just knew the camera was there and then off I went with the tears etc. I don't have any recollection of that, just of feeling the camera and talking when I was being wheeled out. It wasn't a nice experience.
That happened to me once but I was screaming from the pain. They said they were going to stop and then do it again another day. I told them if they thought I was ever coming back they were fools, so they finished.

That was in 1990, since them I make them put me to sleep.