Seeking feedback regarding SSRIs and Crohn's

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 10, 2010
I had a long CD attack a few weeks ago about the time I'd weaned myself off 10mg of Lexapro. I weaned myself gradually, over about 2 months.

After going back on a half dose my attack cleared up so I thought, but now I'm wondering if this half dose (rather than a full dose) of my SSRI is causing me to be in a continuing low-grade flare.

* My rosacea is back (it vanished since I began Pentasa).

* My eyes are feeling "that" feeling that I associate with inflammation.

* Most telling, my cramping and diarrhea are mild but chronic (normally unless I eat a trigger food or get lazy with my meds I'm cramp and D free).

I'm suspicious it's being on only a half dose of my SSRI.

I'm interested in feedback on that. I know some of you have seen a connection in your own disease and SSRIs.

Any thoughts??

Edited to add I see my GI in March.

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