None taken. I didn't expect my words to be interpreted that way, but I guess it's partially my fault for not elaborating on what I meant by "healthy". By healthy, I don't mean that in a traditional way, or what any other person that doesn't have problems with their GI tract salads, steamed veggies, beans, fat free ranch dressing. I know those are really hard to digest, and they give me gas at times, let alone someone that has Crohn's. I have read many different articles, and books written by people that know what they're talking about...(including some Crohn's patients that have tried many different things and found some that worked for them)...and while some of it is contradicting (some of the SDC stuff doesn't make sense to me for example, because, like you said, they give you gas and bloating) you can still find a lot of information that makes sense, and is the same across multiple sources....common theme being eat rice, potatoes, fish, lean meats, eggs...etc.
Anyways, without going into more details I just want to say that I have a problem seeing him drink beer, eat deep fried boneless wings, cakes, cookies, chocolate, pumpkin seeds..all the things that I know are bad for anyone (not just someone that has sensitive stomach to say the least). I know (I guess I should not say I know..because I don't know from my own experience and I don't know if I can even imagine, but do I have to talk like I'm on trial here?) that it's difficult at times when you can't eat anything for weeks and even months, and I know that everyone should have a right to enjoy the simplest pleasures of life (food) and eat that damn burger if you please...I know..but I just don't want him to eat that **** ALL THE TIME. I guess what I was trying to say is I want him to extend the benefits of the surgery for as long as he can by doing things in addition to taking Remicade.
I just re-read my post and saw that I said I know it would help control this bastard...I don't..who can really know?....but I have to believe that this would be THE THING...just the dot that we need to put on this story, something that just might make the difference. If I don't have that hope what else do I have then?
There really is no reason to take that tone with me, because while I may not suffer from the symptoms myself, believe me I would give anything if I could figure out how to help each and every one of you. I don't know how my post came off to some of you, I guess you were annoyed (to say the least) but I really did not mean to hurt anyone's feelings in any way. I am just frustrated myself that this disease just does not flipping rest.EVER.
I don't know about you guys, but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and don't pass judgement about someone's actions or character before I really know where they're coming from, and what they're trying to say.