Serious anger

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May 8, 2016
I'm currently on remicade and imuran, but for the past couple months (now getting worse) I've been so angry. The smallest thing will set me off and I want to hit something, and I've never been like that. My mom got me these mood vitamins called 5-HTP, and they somewhat help, but before I take them and then at night I'm right back to being pissed at everything for no reason.

I brought it up with my doctor at my last appointment and he just said I have a good reason to be angry, but I was diagnosed in 2012, and this is new, and probably pretty close to making my life worse. I don't know how long my boyfriend can deal with everything he says putting me in a bad mood, I work retail and that with anger is not a good mix.

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing it? Or what I can do about it. Even after I realize I'm mad over literally nothing, I still stay mad. I don't know how to fix it.
Hiya Ships,
Sorry to hear of your challenges.
I am just gonna say what-I-think.
Maybe it works for you or maybe not.

An otherwise healthy person is living life until it gets interrupted.
Health problems arise, and if we are lucky, we get a formal Diagnosis which brings treatment attempts toward relief.

My grasp is that we suffer a loss, and we must individually work-our-way through our own thoughts & feelings.
I like to believe we must endure the steps of grieving for our lost good health.
One of the classic stages of grief, mourning the loss of our healthy life,
is certainly anger.
Depends how the individual gets hit, that they must do some fast dancing with the head-game aspect of inflammatory bowel disease.
All whilst surviving the body-game aspect!

bing - life is good
bang - problem rears it's ugly head
bam - we get Dx'd with a horrible, incurable disease & must recover
staggered in the stages of grief

Many things can cause anger, both latent & the loud expressed kind.
Your mileage may vary, but I find it best not to bottle-it-up.
For me, I gotta get it out, get that poison out, deal with it and move on.

I find more-acceptable-outlets serve my life better than just yelling at everyone around me all of the time.
I vent my little kettle instead of waiting for it to blow-up-somewhere.

No one really knows why you are angry, that is your puzzle to solve.
I do know that it can definitely be a chapter of chronic illness.

Figure out where it is coming from, and find some healthy outlets.
Try to see this as a stage of your illness, to be moved-through, and beyond.
Chances are good you will get past it, staying mad hurts us most.

that's my best guess!
in peace & joy,

IBD sucks
: D
I also get a lot of anger (and depression and all sorts of crazy emotions) at times. I've found that the best mood stabilizer for me is exercise. During and after a workout, I feel so much more level-headed and just plain better. I'm not sure if you're well enough to exercise right now, but if you can, try something like taking a walk when you feel your anger level rising. Personally, lifting weights is my favorite, and I bet a punching bag would be a good outlet for anger as well. So try doing a physical activity if you're feeling up to it, I think it'll help.
I've kinda been the same, and have the same meds actually. But I think mine is more frustration and stress. Medical bills can be so ridiculous and trying to keep up with everything in life can be pretty hard sometimes. I'm trying to be good at my job and a good wife at home. It's tough sometimes, so I think I've just been riding on a high level of stress lately, which sets me off a lot easier.
I've dealt w anger and depression issues for years.
It sounds like your dr wants to attribute it to life but you aren't buying know yourself better than a dr so if you think there's another reason I wouldn't discount it.
It sounds like you are dealing with something that may have more to do with a chemical imbalance than anything else. Crohns, mess and life can all add to that. Have you ever been in therapy or spoken to a psychologist? While you may have every reason to be angry, it doesn't mean you should or you shouldn't try to not be angry. I would search out a therapist. See if someone that is used to dealing with moods and feelings can work this out, perhaps without meds. It could also be that a medication could be needed to get everything back in balance.
Thank you all!
Walt, that makes a lot of sense, I just feel really terrible lately, I think I may be on the mend, but then something else always comes up.

Cat, I actually thought maybe I should take up jogging, however I live in NV, and the heat kills me, so maybe just fast-walking around my house will do for now!

Jamie, balancing everything is so terribly hard, and the bills on top of it all is horrible!

Echo, I did see a therapist while struggling after being diagnosed in 2012, but insurance didn't cover it, and then I lost my insurance and had to stop going because I couldn't afford to go to both therapy and my GI Doctor :-( I'll have to look into it would be covered now! A chemical thing makes a lot of since as well, it's just so on and off, it's making me feel nuts!
I would agree with Echo about the chemical imbalance,that's what it sound like to me also.
If you are covered for it wouldn't do any harm to talk it out with a psychiatrist or psychologist.
Feel better soon
Before looking at chemicals, try other options. For me, lack of sleep and consecutive late nights really affects my mood for the worse. I know what you are speaking of - I am an elementary teacher and it really isn't a good thing to over-react. Exercise is great - just don't do it within a couple hours of turning in for the night. It can take a long time for adrenalin to wash out of your system.
Ships, hot weather seriously affects me as well so I completely understand that. Do you have access to a treadmill or an exercise bike or elliptical, anything like that where you could exercise indoors? Or could you maybe take walks/go jogging early in the morning or late in the evening when it's a bit cooler outside?

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