Seriously Read the TEST!

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Dec 19, 2010
I just need to let out a BIG GRRRRR!
If any of you read my opening story you have read that my treatment has been mishandled for a pretty long time!
After my extended hospital stay of 10 days to determine I was having a Crohns flare as opposed to an appendix problem and the flare was in my SMALL BOWEL and going through yet another colonoscopy and various scans I was recommended to have the camera swallow study!

Great timing but I was scheduled for it right away took the test TWO Fridays ago and my doc said if you dont hear from me in a week call. That was already frustrating since I was at that time waiting for my guts to feel better to go back to work but I bit my tongue thinking he will look sooner (he usually is prompt).

I still dont have any answers and I have called (a lot my family has taught me to be annoying to get results) and all I get is a daily nasty NASTY call from his witch of a secretary. "These things take time you really need to be patient and stop leaving him messages."

How many camera studies does he do a month you say? ONE!! I am the only one!!! I have brochures that say you get results in a day! I'm in pain dippy help a sistah out!
I feel for you, I had something similar happen when I had my pill camera done. I was initially told that it would take about a week to get the results back. When a week had passed and I hadn't heard anything, I called my GI's office to see what the delay was. I was then told by a fairly snippy receptionist that it can take "up to a month" for the results. How annoying!

My understanding about that is that the results DO come back the same day - the images are there immediately, they just have to load the images onto a computer, which obviously doesn't take that long. But in actuality it takes much longer because the doctor needs to find the time to sit down and look at all the images, which can take hours. Most doctors are really busy so it's sometimes hard for them to take that amount of time to sit down and look at one test result. That's why it takes weeks before you actually get the results back, even if you are the only person who had that test done in recent history.

Good for you for calling every day. If the receptionist continues to be snippy with you, ask to speak with a nurse. That's usually what I do since the receptionists at my doc's office can be kind of clueless. Good luck with your pill cam results! Let us know how it goes.
I'm sorry you have to deal with the added stress of waiting. I hope you get some results soon and some treatment that helps you feel better.
Always, the waiting!!! We are still waiting on 6mp levels and results of a stool sample....I think they forget that we are real people and not just case number 39595!!!
I Hear ya the results from bitchy nurse number 2---looks like they found inflammation but nothing else serious to actually help me...wait isn't inflammation something to further study?

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