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Jul 7, 2011
8 oz of golytly every 10 minutes until 2 liters are gone?! FOR REAL?! sighhhh. Geez, there has to be a better way....:poo:
Good luck! I never make it in time.

Edit - I mean I never drink it in that amount of time. I haven't missed the toilet during a prep yet...
i am in the hospital right now. they are going to stick a tube up my nose until it goes down my throat to give me golytely for two hours bcuz last time i tried to prep i vomited teh entire drink back up and no bm. it is urgent that i get a colonoscopy done so we'll see tomorrow which is worse. i may sit they and say screw it i'll drink the damn drink. i'm a big baby tho to begin with. sorry for typos trying to type with one hand. hope goes well for you
:hang: Golightly-talk about a cruel joke of a name!

@lookitsjen-Oh I'm so sorry you have to go through this-it actually sucks worse in the hospital!

Usually my Gi only makes me drink enough until I go clear fluids-I usually have enough D that I don't need to drink the whole thing. Just think tomorrow at this time it'll be all over with!

@Nataliekim-Yeah that's a totally unrealistic schedule to drink that junk if they expect you to keep it down, just do your best to finish it by midnight and you should be fine.

Just want to say best wishes to everyone for your tests, I hope it all goes well for you guys!
It's more like GO HARD and HURTFULLY! Oh how I hate the prep. Hang in there sweetie. That too shall pass; literally.
You have my sympathy, that was me just over a week ago. The only way I managed the second litre was to hold my breath and count five big gulps really fast each time. It was sheer torment, though.
I convinced them that cause I have less small intestine than the normal person I don't need as much. I once pushed my self and vomitted it up and had to go to hospital and almost start again - never again awful experience. Good luck
I've got awful butterflies, I have to start my prep in hours, and tomorrow is my procedure. I'm really worried about what is going to be found :eek:( Yikes, is it to early in the day to take a xanax?! LOL
I've got awful butterflies, I have to start my prep in hours, and tomorrow is my procedure. I'm really worried about what is going to be found :eek:( Yikes, is it to early in the day to take a xanax?! LOL

It's never too early for Xanax where colonoscopies are concerned lol!:lol2:
You'll be fine, Natalie. I am a nervous type and I'd have to honestly say that the prep is the worst part for me.
hey i know what you mean about having to drink that stuff its awful i know

hey Nataliekim i know what you mean about having to drink that stuff its awful i know i am having a upper scope done on friday its no fun drinking the stuff i know here is a hug for you:hug::hang: i am sorry your having to go through that let us know how you do and what you find out
I thought of another thing that can make the prep even worse. I had to drink the large container of Go-Lytly. Ugh! If there is any flavorless option, pick that. I've had the cherry and lemon/lime flavors in the past. I am ruined from those flavors. Be sure that horrid stuff is chilled.

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