Severe low back pain

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 29, 2012
Having a flare of Crohn's Symptoms and severe low back pain and hip pain. Is this common?? What helps other than Prednisone??
Hi Suzanne and welcome to the forum. I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing severe low back and hip pain, that must be terrible :( Unfortunately, it's not all that uncommon. Are you on any medications other than Prednisone? Have you been evaluated for Sacroiliitis or other back issues related to the Crohn's Disease? And have you had your vitamin D levels tested as people with Crohn's Disease are commonly deficient and can lead to bone and joint pain.

I know some here use heating pads which helps a little. But usually it's remedied via medications and yes, there's options other than prednisone. :)
Actually I am trying to avoid Prednisone right now. I am on Entecort for the Crohns. Regulating dose of 3 mg per day and Donnatal for cramps along with Zegerid for Acid Reflux. I use Lidoderm patches which help some with the back pain but nothing like Steroids. I have had to up my Entecort to 9 mg per day and start a dose of Flagyl 1000 mg per day this weekend due to a flare from a couple weeks of high anxiety. The Entecort helps the intestinal issues of course without as many side effects as Prednisone but does nothing for back or other pain.