Yes, Ding, for most people, it is initially, and I wish it was everyone (for example, when my girlfriend first saw my pic online on the personals site, she saw I "bodybuild" and thought I'd be so full of myself I'd never give her a chance, here we are together 4 years later looking at a lifetime).
Unfortunately, many teens at that age are all about the studs (well, I remember Kiera Knightly saying how much of a focus Americans put on looks, and that where she comes from it's not nearly the same, but I don't know)....America is overly focused on appearances (bodybuilding for me at least, is more about health though) fades greatly as women age at least, around me, but it's still there often.
One problem I had was distinguishing lust for commitment, meaning, I can tell when even middle aged women are gabbing too each other about the UPS delivery guy and his butt as he bends and picks up the boxes, but that's mostly all it is, lust won't last, a one night stand, a few weeks for booty calls, but a sane woman will never marry a guy for just his looks if he can't balance a check book or remember an anniversary.
There has to be substance, and confidence can be an issue, but when I was younger, I was brave enough to ask out many girls, gave them roses, poems, etc...I still think it came down to the way I looked (if I showed you pics, "holy sh*t" would come out your mouth), and I hate to admit this, but initially I lost weight and got into fitness for a girl, because my heart was crushed for the last time, I wanted to be on the other side of the fence, to have the whole package, I thought what good was it if I have a mind and soul if the shell was cracked.
If I get a bag, I will have to try as hard as hell to feel the same about myself, I will have to do the same "to hell with them" if they treat me differently. It will reveal a great deal of transparency in people I know, but to tell you the truth, from what I've seen, Crohns has done a touch of that already.