Sharp and continuous pain (graphic picture inside)

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Jan 13, 2012
It has been a week since my Ileostomy takedown, and I was doing well until a couple days ago. The area where the stoma used to be is stitched up with a little hole in the center to allow it to drain. Since leaving the hospital, the cut started to bleed more. Most of my pain is gone except for the upper left part of my incision. The area around the incision is a little red and puffy but I really can't tell if it's infected or not. The pain in the upper left part is a sharp type of pain that is only alleviated when I'm laying flat on my back or splinting the area with my hand. I have also noticed a smell around the site that reminds me of the smell I had when I would change the bag. I have tried researching for myself, but haven't found anything helpful enough. I keep gauze on it and usually put neosporin on the gauze as well. I don't go to see my doctor til thursday. Did anyone's incision look like this??


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OUCH, Rain! Yikes. Dehiscences are not good. Hope you get in sooner. Although I note that today is Friday, and I believe that you stated that you were going to the Dr. Thursday. What's the news now? Hope you can heal it without a wound vac. Dana
Time to see your doctor quickly.
Hopefully it was this past Thursday (yesterday) that you reported to him/her.
Hope things go well for you and that the healinh process will start soon.
Hugs and Best wishes
Ditto the above. I'm an ex-nurse (though not an expert in stomas) and that does not look like a happy wound. The quicker you get it looked at by a medic, either doctor or nurse, the easier it will be to get it back on track. I understand any medical trips can be costly in the states, but prompt action could be cheaper, and less distressing, in the long run.

Hope you're better soon.
I went this past thursday. The middle stitch ended up ripping through the skin so there's an even bigger hole now. The doctor prescribed me an antibiotic to take twice a day and told me to shower twice a day. It will heal up from the inside out, so I'm alright now. I'm just a bit upset that I will have a pretty big scar there. Other than that everything is ok. :thumleft:
Glad to hear it's getting treated. Just make sure you finish the whole course of antibiotics, and don't stop just because it looks better.
Sorry if that's telling you something you already know, but so many people do stop antibiotics early and then end up with problems with resistance. Having a disease like Crohn's makes this even more important.

Hope it's looking better really soon:thumleft:
Thanks everyone! Thanks for the advice nitty. Unfortunately I learned the hard way about antibiotics. I had a jaw infection after having my wisdom teeth removed and when I got my antibiotics I only took it for a week or so. I was supposed to take it for a full month. I started to have bad diarreha so I quit taking it and it all just got worse. That was when I found out about the crohn's. I will definitely be taking all of them, despite getting sick to my stomach..
Good news Rain that you are being treated for the wound infection.
It may be the scar will be so minimal you might not notice it when all heals up.
I can resonate with the antibiotic effects---never easy taking those but vital to healing.
Feel better sooner
Hugs and best wishes