Shooting pains in side, normal?

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Apr 18, 2011
Yesterday Garrison had a shooting pain in his right side. No fever, nothing else, just a stabbing pain. This morning he woke up feeling great, no problems. But just got the call from school, it is back. Is this normal for a kid with Crohn's? He has never had pain before. I will call the dr when they open, but we are supposed to fly to Disneyworld today at 5 so I am a little panicked. Thanks guys!

Take care,
Hi there, yes, it is very common in Crohns, it is the most common area for pain to be and you dont have to have fevers etc. He could have a narrowed passage and when food goes through it hurts and somes it can calm down. The other is a possible spastic colon, I use dicyclomine for spasms but doesn't always work. I hope he gets some relief before he goes away, so he too can enjoy the trip.
Hi Vicky,
My daughter gets those pains also. She usually lays down with a hot water bottle until it resolves. I would talk to the GI if it is new just to let them know.
A few months ago, Stephen also had some sharp pains (in LRQ) - his would occur with physical activity such as running, fast skating. Was Garrison doing anything just before the pain? In Stephen's case, the pain would subside once he stopped running, etc.

Enjoy Disney!!
Don't you just love Crohn's! I went ahead and brought him for a CT just in case. They were great and tried to get us out in time, but.....
It looks like a blockage or a really nasty infection. So we are still in the hospital and he just had a pic line put in. He and I had our moments as we were trying to get him into a room and cancel the trip. But we are better now. I am so glad we did not wait, because he would have been eating a ton at Dinsey! (Disney was awesome, they refunded our entire stay, was well as my parents who had stayed 2 nights and sent him a goody bag.)

So now we are going to play hurry up and wait and watch the surgeons and GI team figure out what is going on.

Take care,

I'm so sorry you had to cancel your trip! :thumbdown: I hope they can treat him and get him home quickly!

Thinking of you... :ghug:
I am so sorry too...hoping this gets resolved quickly (SO glad that you brought him in!) and that you are able to enjoy a vacation in the near future!
I am so sorry but thank goodness you brought him in. He probably would not have enjoyed Disney if he was in pain anyway. I hope he recovers quickly and then you guys get to go. I am also glad to hear disney was so nice about refunding everything. It is good to know.
Oh my Vicky, what a turn of events! I'm glad you followed your instinct and had him checked. I can well imagine it would be hard for him to accept being in hospital over Disneyworld! bless him...:hug: I hope they can get things sorted ASAP and you are home again pronto. Matt had an urgent hospital admission this time last year but we managed to break out Christmas Eve!

Good on Disneyworld for being so accommodating, it certainly makes the world of difference. :)

Good luck hun, sending Garrison loads of love, luck and wishes...:goodluck:

Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Ugh, awful timing, but at least school's out! I hope you can get him sorted quickly so he can enjoy the holidays.
I'm so sorry he had to miss the trip to Disney, but how nice of them to accommodate you :)
I hope they figure out a plan of action for him quickly and he starts feeling better !
Best of luck, and I hope you're home free by Christmas !

Thank you so much for the well wishes. The Dr. is doing his best to get us out by Christmas Eve, but I am not so hopeful. Garrison has been NPO since Thursday and receiving TPN for 2 days. The MRI showed matting in his lower small intestine (where the bleeding uclers are) but now there seems to necrosis in the mid region. Non of this showed up on the MRE he had a month ago, so I am worried sick.

The surgeons keep saying he is looking better, but the dr says we need to be prepared for surgery. I think the surgeons are nervous because of the past surgeries he had as an infant and the dr just does not know what else to do since Garrison has a sorted past.

Anyone have experience with infection in the mid region and what should I be asking about?

Thanks for all the support and well wishes.
Take care,


Dr was not specific. He just kep pointing toward the center, right below the sternum. I will ask which area specifically when I see him again.


I don't really have any advice but wanted to let you know we are thinking about you guys and sending good thoughts and prayers. What kind of surgery did Garrison have when he was younger?
Hey Vicky, :hug:

I'm so sorry to hear that Garrison is going through this. :(

Just my take on what you written. The small bowel is broken into three parts, the duodenum, the jejunum and the ileum. The lower part of the small intestine is the ileum and the type of issues he is having there, "matting", does fit with the complications that often occur there. From where I am sitting it would be hard not to think that the middle area may be the jejunum. From the issues Garrison had when he was a baby I wouldn't need to tell you about necrosis and it's implications.

Since Crohn's is characterised by skip areas it is not all that uncommon for infection to spread from the ileum to the jejunum and the treatment is no different, in the hospital setting...NBM, IV steroids and IV antibiotics. Matt went through two such epsiodes in December last year and January this year. Just speaking from what happened with Matt, it is most ideal if they can bring the inflammation under control enough to truly visualise the area affected and I assume that is what they are doing now. Films taken when acute inflammation is present can be deceiving. This may well not be the case with Garrison but it is worth considering and asking about.

Good luck hun, I hope things settle ASAP and you have some solid answers!

Keep us posted!

Dusty. :heart:
No news is good news, right? Garrison has not had any pain, or food, so we will do another MRE on Thursday. If all goes well, the scans look better and he is able to tolerate some food, he will go home on Christmas Eve. All the doctors think the bowel rest and antibiotics will take care of everything this round. But I am guessing the TI section (about 10 cm) that has all the bleeding uclers will have to come out this summer.

One funny note.... I keep telling the dr that Garrison is not growing. He keeps telling me that since Garrison is in the 75% he is fine, and I should not be concerned. Yesterday when the dr was making his rounds I lined the three boys up. His twin brother is 5 inches taller that Garrison and younger brother is maybe an inch shorter. The dr smiled and said, "Okay, I get your point." It's the little things.....

I will do my best to get the MRE results to you as soon as I can, so everyone can weigh in. All of your responses are so reassuring. Thank you again.

Take care,

Garrison had NEC as a baby and had part of the TI removed.
I saw from your previous note that he is a twin. Was he a preemie? Just curious since NEC is much more common in preemies.
Yikes! Deja vu! Sounds like Matt last year! :lol:

Seriously though hun, it's good to hear that Garrison appears to be responding to treatment thus far. :) As you may know Matt had surgery this year, he also had 10cm of TI affected, and is now solidly in remission and doing so very well.

Ahahaha, nothing like a visual to ram the point home, good for you Mum! Chronic inflammation certainly wreaks havoc on a growing body!

Good luck with the MRE Thursday! I hope the results are all positive!...:goodluck:

Dusty. :heart:
I hope the docs are right Vicky and you can all be home for Christmas! It may not be DisneyWorld but it sure beats the hospital:)
We are HOME!!! They decided to do a CT rather than a MRE which I was so grateful for. He did great. It seems the infection in the center has cleared up and the TI area showed dramatic improvement. He had solids yesterday and they sent up packing this morning. It looks like surgery is on the horizon but at least we will have plenty of time to figure out what needs to be done.

Merry Christmas! And wishes for a wonderful and healthy New Year.

Take care,

This is just the best news! YAY!!!

I'm so happy for you all! Best Christmas present...ever! Have a good one hun. :)
