Shortness of breath/chest pressure?

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Aug 29, 2013
Does anyone else get shortness of breath and burning upper back pains and sinus pressure? I've fought boughts of shortness of breath as long as I can remember when I'm stressed its seems to get worse like at work!!!! I've been having a lot of indigestion lately and have devolved a duodenal ulcer which may be contributing to my symptoms? After taking prilosec a majority oft chest pressure and back pain went away but my gi switched me from prilosec to daxilant for my ulcer and my symptoms came back strong!!!! I've had several x-rays and ct scans with dye contrast of my lungs and all they found was small amount of calcium deposit or scar tissue and basically told me it's all in my head?!?!? Who knows it may be or it may be Crohn's linked??
Hi Jison, I've moved your post to its own thread so that it will hopefully get more answers here. I have severe GERD and I sometimes get weird referred pains in my left ribcage/lung area, which go away when I take some Tums. I'm not sure if it's related to the IBD, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was. Have you talked to your doctor about this and maybe going back on prilosec? And it's not all in your head, some doctors are just fond of saying that when they can't figure something out. Have you had an upper endoscopy lately?
No I haven't had a endoscopy yet just a ct scan and barrium swallow test theat only reviled a duodenal ulcer maybe that's causing all these weird symptoms? Makes since I guess indigestion coming back up and causing all kinda of crazy symptoms well just have to wait an see and thanks for moving my thread so maybe I'll get some helpful post!!!
If it were me, I'd ask for an upper endoscopy to see exactly what's going on in the stomach and esophagus. If you have a lot of acid reflux, that could account for some of your symptoms, and treating that may just be as simple as taking reflux meds and making a few dietary changes. You don't want to let acid reflux go on untreated too long or it could start to cause damage in the esophagus. You said Prilosec helped, so my guess would be that this is at least somewhat being caused by acid reflux. But best to have an endoscopy to see for sure what's going on, especially since you haven't had one yet. Good luck!
I'm sure ones around the corner I swear when I flare up everything from head to toe acts up from sinuses to my butt!!!!!!!!! Lol

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