I wouldn't be concerned. They probably just want to see what else is going on. Do you have Crohn's ? XOne minute I was told I had a fistula and 5 months waiting time for surgery next I'm told I'v to go for colonoscopy in two weeks and it the main colorectal surgeon himself doing it
See this is it Ronrush usually things are incredibly slow now since reading my mri results I'm guessing cause I've not had them again just a phone call from hospital secretary I'm all of a sudden having a colonoscpy this day two weeks the fistula won't be done for five monthsSince theu are being so slow, maybe you should get a second opinion. Let us know how you are.
Maybe they've just seen an area of inflammation that they want to check. Try not to worry too much.See this is it Ronrush usually things are incredibly slow now since reading my mri results I'm guessing cause I've not had them again just a phone call from hospital secretary I'm all of a sudden having a colonoscpy this day two weeks the fistula won't be done for five months
now sorebutt I thought my results were in had a fistula and that is was being done in 4 _ 5 months time he said he didn't need to speak to me this all came via his secretary then next thing I no i get another phone call Monday morning to say I'm due colonoscopy secretary again then another call to say it will be done this day two weeksMaybe they've just seen an area of inflammation that they want to check. Try not to worry too much.
Have you called and asked for your MRI results? X
Awh I no eleanor_rigby it's just been so slow and now boom I'm a worrier I'v just said to myself tonight I'm going to put it to bed for a couple of weeks and forget about it because it worring does not get you anywhere it could be as you say they have just realised that this is routine and should of been done my head was just working overtime I suppose I should be greatful I'm being seen to quickly.Are you in the UK Eleanor?Please try not to worry. They may have had a cancellation so were able to slot you in in the next available appointment which was 2 weeks time. You were aware you needed to have a colonoscopy even before the MRI right? Fistulas can be a symptom of Crohn's so it will be routine that you get scoped. I think you need to try and relax, what will be will be. Just try and get through it.
The good thing is about a colonoscopy is you can see what is going on so if there is inflammation you can see it there and then and don't need to wait weeks for the results (unless you have microscopic inflammation).