Should I be worried ?

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Sep 7, 2011
Hi, son started complaining of sore side yesterday and this morning he said it's got worse, it's constantly there but gets worse now and again. The soreness is right side, above hip bone , waiting on doctor calling me back to see what next step is, do you think it's something to worry about?
Currently on mxt shots but this was to see if it helped before the next step which would be surgery! Praying it's something and nothing. Xx
I hate the feelings you are facing. Could be something but might not be. I find breaking down the last few days helps me to deal with the things I do have control over.

What has been his activity the last few days? Anything that could have caused a muscle pull?

Any new foods? Any eating out? Sometimes they add a new ingredient that seems to irritate or something that didn't bother before now becomes a problem.

After you cross those off the next question is where is his crohns? If that is an area that has bothered before I could be something more. My daughter went on steriod enemas to deal with that area. Cortifoam helps too. How long has he been on mtx?
I have been there too! It is distressing when they are feeling poorly and you aren't sure how serious it may be.

The fact that there is no fever, nausea, vomiting, and that the pain is intermittent are all good signs. You did the right thing to call the Dr. Could just be a pulled muscle or something fairly benign. Is it in an area that has caused pain before? Does is seem worse right after a meal? Is he feeling full more quickly after he eats? These clues can give you an idea if the pain is intestinally related, or muscle related.

In our experience, even when my son was headed towards solid remission, there were times he had pain. Whether is was gas, crohns, infection, I am not sure but it always seemed to pass. I have learned now that there are ups and downs and have been better able to understand what is normal for him and what seems to be a sign of trouble. If it were my son I wouldn't be worried but I would do as you are doing and check in with the dr. The Dr. will probably give it some time to see if it gets worse or better. I find that most things with this disease are a 'wait and see'.

Keeping my fingers crossed the pain goes away and no surgery needed!! Let us know what the Dr. says and how your son is feeling. :)
We have been on our holidays and done a lot of activities but he didn't complain of anything there and then. His diet wasn't very good at all....even in the more expensive restaurants he would order the beef burger!!!! Not the best I know but Was just happy he as eating. He has no fever or sickness, just the ache in the area I mentioned, he says it's more tender when pressed. Still waiting on doc calling, will keep posted. He has been on mxt for nearly 7 months now. Xx
The ache is staying in the one area, he says it has eased off a bit now so hopefully it will go, so hard with this condition sometimes isn't it. Xx
Ache has gone, thank goodness so dont think was crohns related. Kian has his check up tomorrow at hospital so hoping everything is well xx