Should i get an hysterectomy

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Feb 25, 2010
hi everyone. saw gyno on may 16th for followup from doing an mri. was sent there because have ovarian cyst that's growing since first ultrasound in june of 2012-it was 2.5 cm, then 2.7cm simple cyst, but last test didn't find out and don't know from this mri. Also test in oct of 2012 said endometrium is thickened andmeasures 1.8 cm There is an echogenic lesion visualized with the fundal endometrium demonostrating vascularity. The appearance suggests polyp formation. Did anorthe one 2months ago and said polyp in uterus. I am 49 and still menstrating. At first gyno suggested a hysterectomy and remove the one ovary which threw me off and i couldn't really think clearly after that. I asked why in a scared way and she said no we don't have to do that and you do ultrasound to monitor the cyst. She suggested a d and c and hysteroscopy. she said one night before to put 2 pills in vagina to open cerivix i think because i have not had any children and she said she may not be able to finish test because of this. She is also leaving in aug to another city and asked if i want this done before she leaves so i sign not really sure. Now i come home and read and wonder should i just do the hysterectomy. I am terriefire of surgeries. I read thickening of uterus could be cancer. Should i get a second opinion. Please some advice, i am seeing family dr. on wed and i could tell him to cancel and refer me to another gyno, but now i am worried of cancer and if i do this test it will tell me if cancer of uterus that is if she can even finish the test. Please some advice.
:hug: Matty!

It's frustrating that your doctor has put you on a time limit to make such a big decision. Remember, you can have it done by another doctor after she leaves if you need more time, or you can travel to where she will be if finances and timing allow it. You shouldn't feel pressured to make this decision.

I would like to help you, but I think it all comes down to what you think is best for you and your body. At this point, what is your biggest concern?

Thanks for replying. That is exactly how I felt pressured there to sign or not. I am going to phone gyno office tomorrow and see if her patients files are being transfered to where she is going. If not then I think I will ask to be referred to another gyno.
:hug: Do what you need to do to take that pressure away, then you can make a better decision and feel more comfortable. It's definitely something you have the right to take your time with!
you have that right as a patient for a 2nd opinion. Don't let the Gyn force you into something you are not comfortable with. Ask your primary MD for a referral and ask who he'd send his mother and daughter to. That's how you get the BEST names.

Been there and done that with another MD. hugs. :)
Definately get a second opinion. I'm not so sure I agree with some of the info you listed. Our bodies change as we age, and yes things do thicken as we age and the thickening doesn't necessarily mean cancer. A simple cyst is just that, a simple cyst. It's not cancer. I's most likely an egg getting ready for the next menstral cycle. Speak with your primary care doc and google some of the info in your gyn report. Some of gyn results are similar to mine. The only reason for me to get a hysterctomy is because of POP (pelvic organ prolapse) along with heavy mentral bleeding that is causing anemia now. Leaving at least one ovary after doing a hysterectomy will prevent you from going into menopause right after surgery. Feel free to PM me. Blessigns!
I'm in a similar situation, I'm 42, I have an ovaria cyst which I'm currently having monitored and had polyps removed via pelvic endoscopy earlier in the year.

I'm currently waiting on the results of my latest MRI but my gynocologists said when I spoke to her that if further treatment is required the next step for a ovarian cyst is generally a laparoscopy. Hopefully I'll find out tomorrow if that's going to be required at this point.

I'd ask for a second opinion too, hysterectomy sounds rather dramatic for treatment for what your describing.

Note: I don't have Crohns not sure if that changes the treatment recommendations at all.
thanks so much for replies, sorry for late reply as i was more worried about an anal boil or abscess that i am dealing with and forgot i posted here. I am still thinking to see another gyno but that will take long and my last period was kinda worse than usual, pain and always flares my stomach. Right now i am spotting early, my cycle changed about 10 years ago from 28 to 21 days. I hate my period and was really thinking about the hysterectomy, it will stop my periods and possibly my Crohn's. But i am a big chicken, even to do the d and c and hysterscopy. Should i just do them or see another gyno who may do the same tests. I know i do have to see another gyno after these test as she is moving to another city.
If my cycle gets shorter than 28 days my gynocologist prescribes progesterone. Progesterone is also what she prescribes when she finds of breast / ovarian cysts & pelvic polyps. She has mentioned that she thinks all these issues have been caused by my progesterone level dropping too low.

Has your gynocologist prescribed any hormones to help with your issues?
No, she has not, I just saw her 2 times and now she is moving. I just hate my period now as it flares my stomach. I am terrified of surgery but hysterectomy may help my Crohn's and there would be no more period flareups. I just don't know what to do.