Should I go to the doctor?

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Jan 22, 2012
I am 29 yrs old and I have Crohns disease. I also suffer from chronic sinus infections. I just finished about a week ago my third round of antibiotics, thats 3 different types in the last month and a half. I have had watery diarrhea for the last week and horrible abdo pain. I am taking 3 T#3's at once and up to 8 lomotil a day and its not making a difference. I am not sure whether I am just flaring or if I could have gotten C. diff from the antibiotic use. I would appreciate some advice.
Welcome to the forum!

Antibiotics can have diarrhoea as a side effect, or like you say it can contribute to c diff. The only way to know is to go to the docs and do a stool sample.
:welcome: to the forum, I am glad you have decided to join us. I agree about getting this checked out by your doc, it is better to be safe than sorry. Until your recent tummy problems how have things been with your crohns? Are you on any meds for this?
Yeah I would go to the doctors, Its not nice being on lots of anti-biotics, and If they are effecting your crohn's symptoms then it is good to let them know so they can give you lower doses or different ones if it is appropriate.
In the past I have seen my GP and said, I have felt awful all weekend from taking these, and he just said to stop taking them!
My crohns hasnt been horribly bad up until these last few weeks. I suffer from fistulas, and just had an MRI on friday to see if I have a new one...If I do then My GI will be switching me from remicade to humira. I dont go to see him until jan 31st. Thanks for the responses I think I will call my GI and family doc tomorrow.
so I saw my family doctor today and she has given me imodium, and is testing me for c diff. She wasnt going to prescribe me any pain meds and I had to remind her that I was out sometimes I think she thinks I am a drug addict but when your in pain your in pain. I am supposed to call her office tomorrow and tell her if the imodium helped or not. I am hoping that my MRI has some answers, but no one has seen the report as of yet. I will let you guys know more when I see my specialist on tuesday!!! thanks for the support!!
so I saw my specialist and he said my MRI showed 4 sinus tracts coming from my rectum to the opening on my butt cheek...which is significantly more then I had last MRI which was in 2009. His plan is to switch me to humira.... and I have to have another colonoscopy :( which I have successfully avoided for 7 years. I did not have a good first colonoscopy so hopefully this one goes better.. its on feb 23rd. hopefully this is a step in the right direction.
It's a shame you have to have a colonoscopy but I must say well done for avoiding one for so long! Are they sorting the Humira now or are they going to waiting until after the scope?
Well I survived my colonoscopy today!! My GI took 4 biopsies and said that it looked like there was inflammation throughout my colon. Hopefully I will hear from the pharmacy soon with my humira.....oh I do hope! right now I am living on lomotil, imodium and tylenol # 3's until I can get some humira !!

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