Should I tell the Doc about this?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 18, 2013
I wonder if anyone can guide me on this. Im new to the IBD world and yet to be diagnosed (currently waiting for biopsy results after colonoscopy).

Anyway, Ive started with another embarrassing symptom involving my 'lady parts' and Im wondering if I need to tell my GP or GI. I keep getting a brownish mucus discharge which is definitely not menstrual - it doesn't look or smell menstrual related (I know, disgusting) and it only happens when I strain to do a bowel movement (I suffer with constipation).

Im starting to panic after reading about fistulas but I dont want to make a fuss about every little symptom. Would you tell your doc about this?

Cat :confused2:
hi Cat,

I'm a female crohnie who's had fistulas, abscesses, surgeries, you name it, I have been through it.

I would talk to your Ob/Gyn (female MD) and ask her to examine you in her office. This way she can do a physical and check for anything that's abnormal.

Don't panic....this wonderful forum has tons of information in the WIKI section and has great information on female issues, diet, medications, symptoms, surgeries, etc. to help guide you in the right direction. for all we know, it could be normal but better safe than sorry.

Ask the GI or whoever did the colonoscopy if there were any signs of a fistula from the colon going to your female area. hang in there. help has arrived. feel free to PM any time if you have questions. hugs. Gutless Wonderwoman
Hi GutlessWonder!

Thank you so much for your reply, it really helps to hear from other people who are going through the same thing (although your case sounds much worse you poor thing!)

I will check out those resources you have suggested and thanks again :)

Hi Catty

I think you definitely should talk to your dr about it.. Sometimes a fistula can form between a vagina and rectum what other symptoms do you have like pain, smell etc?.. It might be anything else not serious but it is better to talk to your dr about it so you would feel relieved .. Hope all goes well with you :hug:
Hi Cat,

I was wondering if you checked it out as I am having the same issue as you with the brownish discharge.

Thanks, seebee
Definitely sounds like a fistula to me. I'm glad it doesnt seem to be causing you too much discomfort. Please make sure, if you have sex with a man, that they use a condom as fecal matter in the urethra can cause problems for him.

Please keep us updated on what you find out.