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Jan 10, 2010
Hi everyone so i no some of you guys get sickness that associates blockages but one of my main symptoms seems to be sickness even if i have diareah, i have no idea why this is just wondering if i share this symptom with anyone else
Afraid not, but I do remember before my surgery about 11 years ago I was really sick all the time but never happened since. I am sure a lot of people suffer with this. Have a look round the forum see if you can find anything
Ya, I don't quite understand what you're asking either.

Edit: If you do mean throwing up/puking, then yes many people have that problem. I occasionally have that problem myself but rarely puke, I just feel like I'm going to. I think it may be because of all the strain that's being put on your body.

"...people with diarrhea may feel sick to their stomach or be dehydrated."
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I get nauseated right after I eat but it usually goes away within thirty minutes. I do throw up sometimes but not as often as I used too. Before I changed my diet I would throw up constantly, out of nowhere.
Hi everyone, i meant actually puking my guts up, which put me in hsopital 2 weeks ago, sometimes its only 2- 3 times a day some times its once it seems if i dont get as much diareah then im sick more, but when i was in hospital i was just sick and it just never seemed to end it was like a never ending sickness bug that wouldnt go even when i was pumped with antisickness and then it subsided. its weird
I get nauseous a lot after eating and when I'm in a lot of pain. Sometimes I throw up and others I don't :/ It's a hit and miss.
Nauseous most of the time, pain times more nauseous. About the only time I'm not is when I am religious with my diet and meds. that has been, what, two weeks in the last year, ah well we grow we learn.
I used to get this a lot. I had very severe strictures throughout my bowel, so I'd eat, get horrific pains, then throw up. It was a pretty vicious routine. Eventually I was admitted to hospital after not keeping anything, even complan, down for a week, and losing a stone in weight!
I was put on a hydrocortisone drip for two days and that really knocked the inflammation back.
I really hope you find out what's wrong soon! I don't want to freak anyone out, just share my experience. I know it's scary when these things happen to your body and you don't know what's wrong or how to stop it, but hopefully it'll all become clear soon.
It's taken me a year of different meds, and I think now I can just about say I'm in remission. So, hang on in there!

Lucinda x

Edited to add: I should have said, I had really bad D the whole time I had the strictures.
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I started puking up in June 2009 I did not stop until...well I still do...but from June through to oct 2009 I was throwing up everyday. Now I have a cough and I cough till I throw up. My GI says I have LERD which is like GORD, and he thinks it is linked with chrons. I have started methotrexate last Friday and I hope it will settle down the LERD, chrons and SI joint pain. Throwing up is not much fun, and when it was everyday it was down right disturbing and stressful as well.

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