Side effects of Pentasa

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Feb 18, 2013
I started taking Pentasa 3 days ago. My GI has me starting on a reduced dose for a week of 1g 2x per day. I am feeling very dizzy, tired, lethargic, foggy and getting headaches. Is this a common side effect and if so, is it a matter of my body getting used to the drug or is it a sign that my body does not agree with it?
Could be a bit of both, the side effects of pentasa are usually very mild if they occur, that being said if you are concerned it is probably best to see your GI or GP, missing a dose won't harm you if you need to stop in desperation, keep in mind pentasa is supposed to take 6-8 weeks before it starts working
I got awful side effects as soon as I started on them,Acid Reflux,Sore Throat,then to my horror waking up in the morning with blood on my pillow and in my mouth,which tasted awful,told my Dr but they did,nt take much notice to be honest,until one day I felt really ill,hospital did some bloods and my liver tests through the roof over 850,I told them I was convinced it was the Pentasa,they were not convinced,so they stopped the Pentasa and guess what my liver enzymes started to decrease over a matter of days,I was so relieved,they did write to the drug company to let them know what happened to me.Also all the blood in my mouth ceased,I think it was making my stomach problems now though.
I have been taking Pentasa to some degree (about 3 grams a day mostly) for several years and did not see much improvement. My case of Crohn's has been mild to moderate. I was having some problems with constipation the last year, and low iron, so the doctor had me up the Pentasa to 4 grams a day. I since noticed lots of gas, cramps, and constipation. I tried eliminating problems when I finally tried stopping the Pentasa. Long story short, all my gut problems went away. If I were to flare up again, I'd try Entocort or Prednesone, as I did well on these. I am sure Pentasa has helped many, but for whatever reason it seemed to cause me problems.