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Jun 6, 2011

After meeting with my GI today he told me he's unimpressed by my development and he couldn;t figure out why I've been bleeding the last couple of months(I figured he stated remission to quickly). He said I've improved slightly after being on 6mp for the greater part of the year but he would like me to be better. He ordered a sigmoidoscopy to determine the next path of treatment which would either be stay the same or move to remicaid or even total colectomy depending on how my colon looks. So tell me about the sigmoidoscopy. I was told I won;t be sedated which scares me. Does it hurt? Is the prep as bad as a colonoscopy? Tell me your expiriences ect...put my mind at ease.

Also if anyone wants to talk to me about remicaid and how that works and how it's doing/how it did for you I'd like to know that too. I know I'll go to the hospital every 8 weeks(except for the first couple of doses which are more frequent) and I know it could make you tired and I've been reading the drug pamphlet the doc gave me about side effects ect just want to know personal expiriences, personal side effects things like that. Should I have someone drive me there and back ect?

Thanks :)
I had a sigmoidoscopy and the prep isn't as bad as a colonoscopy, I just had to have an enema. It's just in a small bottle and you can do it yourself or get a nurse to do it and then about 30 mins later you will feel it's effects. The sigmoidoscopy is uncomfortable more than painful it's a lot shorter I was only in there for about 20-30 mins and the docs got what they needed.
I have had remicade in the past and for the first few infusions I had someone with me to drive me to and from the hospital but after a while I knew I could drive safely by myself so just went on my own. I did end up building anti bodies up to remicade but it's still the best treatment I have been on for crohn's.
Hope you feel better soon x
After meeting with my GI today he told me he's unimpressed by my development and he couldn;t figure out why I've been bleeding the last couple of months(I figured he stated remission to quickly). He said I've improved slightly after being on 6mp for the greater part of the year but he would like me to be better. He ordered a sigmoidoscopy to determine the next path of treatment which would either be stay the same or move to remicaid or even total colectomy depending on how my colon looks. So tell me about the sigmoidoscopy. I was told I won;t be sedated which scares me. Does it hurt? Is the prep as bad as a colonoscopy? Tell me your expiriences ect...put my mind at ease.

Also if anyone wants to talk to me about remicaid and how that works and how it's doing/how it did for you I'd like to know that too. I know I'll go to the hospital every 8 weeks(except for the first couple of doses which are more frequent) and I know it could make you tired and I've been reading the drug pamphlet the doc gave me about side effects ect just want to know personal expiriences, personal side effects things like that. Should I have someone drive me there and back ect?

Thanks :)

I had a sigmoidoscopy without any prep or sedation, they basically put a slim camera up your backside and look at the colon up to the bend that turns into your large bowel (it doesn't go into your large bowel). I had no warning they just shoved it right up there! It's not painful at all it's just uncomfortable, it feels like, well, it feels like someone's shoving something quite far up your butt!

I've just had my second dose of Infliximab too. I personally haven't had a single side effect (except healing!) I don't feel tired during or after and the last time I went out for mcdonalds after lol.

If I had a car I could have driven myself back from my appointment, although it helps to take someone with you to your infusion so they can get you stuff like snacks, magazines etc. the whole thing is painless - I opt for a canular in the arm as its much less sore than in the hand, and I just catch up on my reading or DVDs (bring your laptop with you).

I hope you don't get any side effects either and good luck with it all :)
it's uncomfortable and if you can be sedated it will be much more pleasant. having said that, you will survive and it will be over, but if you can, choose the colonoscopy with full sedation. there is no reason to have to get ass raped with a camera without sedation. i went through it, but why? it's not as bad as getting your prostate milked for a sample. that's the most uncomfortable 5 seconds you will ever experience

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