Significant looping during colonoscopy

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my little penguin

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Apr 15, 2012
Recent colonoscopy for DS
Gi was not able to even get to the TI due to significant looping .
Anyone ever have this ??
Was it an issue on colonoscopies afterwards ?
Feel like the scope was a waste of time since the only area that has recently shown mild inflammation a few years ago was the TI
Which was never even looked at this time 😡
This was the required cancer screening colonoscopy (8 years after dx -in Ds case 12years )
They take 4 biopsies every 10 cm of the entire colon from the cecum to rectum .
So lots of biopsies
Thank you. It was interesting to learn about. Surprising that it happens in so many colonoscopies.
I have never heard of looping. Was this done at a children’s hospital?

I’m glad they were at least able to get the biopsies for colon cancer. Did everything look ok visually? No ulcers or visible inflammation?
Everything looked good - always looks good even at dx
They couldn’t get to the ti to see if that looked ok
Kiddie hospital for scope
They always put the same thing
“Wait for biopsy results “
Since those are the only things that show anything either way
They mistakenly told us for the first scope he was fine since it looked good visually.
Now they won’t say
Lots of biopsies equals lots of belly pain and no Celebrex before and after scopes so …. Waiting for the gut to heal
Yes, I remember that with past scopes but it’s good to know it hasn’t changed!

We have never stopped NSAIDs before a scope - both for my daughter and for my husband.
Last scope M was in remission despite being on NSAIDs. But she has never been in pain due to biopsies either, even when they took a lot of biopsies, so I can understand waiting to restart his Celebrex.

I hope he feels better soon!
For cancer screening it’s 4 biopsies every 10 cm so that ends up being 40 biopsies in the large intestine .
Typically they take about 12 biopsies total (two in the rectum ,ascending ,transverse ,descending ,cecum, and TI)
Gi said the Celebrex even though it was stopped 4 days prior (not the preferred 5-7) meant his gut was more oozy at the biopsy sites
And they want him to stay off Celebrex until at least Monday probably Tuesday this week even though his scope was on Friday
40 is a lot!! M’s scope last year was to do the cancer screening but also to check for inflammation since she hadn’t had a scope in a while. I do remember they took a lot of biopsies but I’m not sure of the exact number was. Now I’m curious.

Thankfully, she has always been fine during scopes despite being on NSAID. I don’t think she’d be able to stop it for 5-7 days - she’d be miserable.

Have they suggested an MRE to look at his TI and the rest of his small bowel?
anaphylaxis -no doc will do an MRE
Head of radiology flipped out last time they did MRE and used regular allergy protocol (iv steriods over 24 hours )
When they scheduled the MRE the hospital didn’t realize he had anaphylaxis.

so now ….
Only non contrast Ultrasound (which can’t see much of anything )
They need contrast /gallulidium even for ultrasounds to be useful for crohns
Definitely miserable without Celebrex
Got iv steriods bolus prior to scopes (adrenal insufficiency) so that helped joints some while waiting to start Celebrex again
Totally forgot about his allergies to contrast 😬…that makes things hard. Is his GI happy enough with the scope despite not being able to see his TI? Or does he/she want to do a repeat scope or pillcam in the future?

Glad he got the IV steroids, though I know they don’t last long (well, at least for my girls). I hope he can restart Celebrex soon!
His Gi didn’t do the scope
So assume Ds will hear from his Gi at the end of the week
Or next week
The one who did the scopes just said we have to wait and see what biopsy slides are and probably not scope till he changes to an adult Gi after college just depends what his current Gi wants
Since all his docs including the scoping Gi do not want to change his meds

feeling better today just took 48 hours instead of normal 24 hours
That’s wonderful!! Hopefully he can now go on to enjoy college!!
I'm sorry they weren't able to reach the TI. I hope it's a good sign that everything else was pristine and those biopsies came back normal! I think you mentioned the TI is the only place there was mild inflammation a few years ago. How frustrating they couldn't see it!

I don't know if this is related to looping, but I do know 2 tall women who were told it is not completely uncommon for tall women (and I assume men?) to have even longer and more twisted (or maybe loopy?) colons and that is why their colonoscopies were not complete. Is your son tall? In one case I know at follow up they did make it through everything and it took a longer time than usual, but it was coworker who has since moved. I think she may gotten a recommendation for a GI who was more accustomed to this.
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Looping is when they go through with the camera and instead of going up high in the intestine with the cameras -the part of the scope “wire” further back pushes up on the intestine hard enough it starts stretching it in the opposite direction and cause the camera to be pulled back
It’s a technique thing
Never happened in the other 8 scopes he has had 😡

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