Skin boils

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Crohn's can cause a wealth of Extra Intestinal Manifestations. Erythema nodosum does start out as an abscess/boil and is common in the lower legs but can pop up in other areas of the body. Have you seen a dermatologist? Sorry for the late response 723crossroads. :)
No, but I keep saying I will. I do have those red patches on my shins that started out itchy. They are finally just red patches now. But not real big. I haven't gooten a new boi;l lately, but they just show up sometimes. It's weird.
Do they just spontaneously disappear or do you need some treatment? I agree it would be good to discuss it with your GI and a dermatologist. Something is causing this predisposition and maybe there is something that can help inhibit their growth.
No, they don't just disappear. It takes me cleaning them with antiseptic and I put Neosporin on till they go away. I did ask a Dr. about it and he said if it continues a lot then they would give me a few rounds of antibiotics which I am afraid to take because they really screwed me up last time with the bowels. I had an infection in my tooth and had to get a crown and they put me on really strong antibiotics and then again because they were worried it would come back after they did the crown. I flared for awhile after that.
Do you use hibiclens on them? It's a really powerful antiseptic that is used in hospitals. Antibiotics may help when you get boils but it wouldn't prevent new ones from forming unless you are constantly taking antibiotics. I guess they aren't sure what to use to prevent it.
I got three of them when I first started Remicade. The doctor said it's a combination of immune suppression and inflammation that causes them in Crohnnies-but some people are more prone than others. I needed antibiotics and surgeries on mine, they went from small to huge in a few days.
As soon as they start, I start using antiseptic cleaner and teatree oil or witchazel on them and keep them covered with a band aid.
I am newly diagnosed. In the last couple of days I have two big red lumps on my legs, I assumed insect bites (I usually get a allergy to bites when abroad) these are very similar, hard red lump, hot to touch, but I couldn't see a puncture mark for a bite, so wonder if it is related to Aza (4 weeks in) or Crohns.