Skin rashes

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May 23, 2011
skin rashes

Izz has had problems with her hands (I would say excema-like (yup, can't figure out how to spell tonight lol!) with redness, severe dryness, and cuts, although she didn't do anything to cut them.
However, she has a dime sized mark on her back...the infectious disease resident said it looks like ringworm but he is not sure-and I forgot to ask anyone else.

Anyone had any experience with EIMs that look similar to ringworm? she has had it for at least 2/3 months, and no one else has anything similar.
As far as the ringworm, did you use ringworm meds to get rid of it and it not work? If so, then it is probably something else, but it may possibly be ringworm. Kids do get into everything.

I have found coconut oil (get in health food store or Mediterranean food store) helps with eliminating eczema. I use it after showering, whenever I use for moisturizing. If her hands or extremely dry, perhaps use some coconut oil on her hands before bed and add a pair of sweat socks on her hands. May help them moisturize overnight.

I have also used sea salt water to rinse over odd skin rashes. Not sure why it works, but works for me at times. Good luck!
Angie, I have nummular eczema, which looks EXACTLY like ringworm. Look it up. It's an uncommon form, I was over 40 when I started with it (wtf) and ran to the dermatologist thiking I had a fungus. When he said "nummular eczema" I was like...eczema doesn't form perfectly round lesions...apparently THIS kind does.
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Alex has skin rashes, thumbprint sized ones, all torso. The dermatologist says it's psoriasis. The mild steroid cream clears it up. He has really dry skin, as do I, but I think some of that is the poor nutrition absorbtion. A few years back, before dx, he had a distinct rash patch that went away on its own, but then a hundred came on later, which his pediatrician said was a virus - pityriasis rosacea. wild.
I have psoriasis, and unless hers is atypical, it's nothing like mine. There is no scaling on the lesions, although I *could* try my topical steroids on her to see if it helps. I haven't used anything on her yet...poor Izz's skin rash is at the bottom of the list these days lol!
Hello Angie,
From your signature I see Izz's been taking humira since february? Does it coincide with the beginning of humira? I've had some skin manifestation that were similar to this:
and also similar to that but way smaller
The doctor was thinking of ringworm at first then to a parasite but it was neither of them and was actually triggered by the humira. It got much better with cortisone.
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I have circular-ish patches on my legs and feet. It started about a year before my intestinal symptoms flared, with dime shaped red patches. They disappeared while I was on Pred, but have flared up badly in the last few months.
The first GP I saw about them said it was ringworm but the Canestan he gave me for it didn't do anything. Second GP, who also does the dermatology clinic says she's not sure if it's excema or psoriasis but it's responding to steroid cream. Some of the patches scale and the ones on my feet are more red and shiny.
Does Izzi's patch itch and look inflamed?
Hers isn't inflamed, although it is a bit red. It has a bit of white/dryish skin look to it without the traditional scaly psoriatic plaque. We are d/cing Humi as of today so I will see if it was related soon enough!