Skin tag, abscess, fistula?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Oct 19, 2013
Hi I'm new to this forum
Basically I was diagnosed earlier this year and after having my colonoscopy I noticed a small lump in the opening of my anus, I didn't really pay much attention to it but now it's causing me so much pain and its so annoying!! I'm 17 and I know this sounds silly but I'm too embarrassed to tell my GI or my mum about this. It's now become maybe bigger than a pound coin and it itches non stop my whole butt area feels bruised aswell and even sitting hurts :( when I go to the toilet the pain is so bad it makes me want to just hold going, I've read up some stuff and I don't know what it is, it's more like a big flap of skin rather than a lump now I just want to know if anyone else has this problem and if so is there a way to deal with it or is the only option surgery? Thank you in advance if anyone can help x
Hi Boozie
And a big warm welcome to the forum. I'm sorry to hear about your Crohn's diagnosis. It's a lot to get your head round, isn't it? I know it's horribly embarrassing, but problems in the anus area are very common in people with Crohn's. Is there any discharge from the lump? It sounds like it could be a skin tag, but you should go to see your GI. He or she will be very used to seeing people with similar issues. Don't leave it in case it gets worse. Honestly, you will feel a lot better after you've seen the doc.
Hi Boozie,

There is definitely nothing for you to be embarressed about. I would definitely suggest you tell your doctor. You never know it may just be an uncomfortable hemeroide. Whatever it is you will benefit from diagnosis as then you will be able to get it treated.

Hope you manage to get it sorted. Thanks for sharing with us and keep us posted on how it goes. :hug:
Grumbletum - yes there is discharge from it and another embarrassing thing which I don't know if normal is I also get small stool leakage sometimes , I'm starting infliximab soon and I'm going to pluck up the courage to tell my GI because I'm finding it hard to live with whatever this is at the moment, thank you for being so welcoming to the forum!

Cozmo - thank you also for your advice, I'm going to eventually tell my GI when I next see him and hopefully get a diagnosis on what this is!! I'll try to keep you posted :) thanks again.
Ok, Boozie, that is definitely sounding like a fistula. You plucked up the courage to come and tell us about it here, so I'm sure you will be able to tell your GI. I would think they might want to see you before you start the Infliximab to decide if that is still the best course of treatment or not. Are you able to put calls into the GI's office or do you have an IBD specialist nurse?
If you have a look over on our Fistulas and Abscesses subforum, there's a really good sticky right at the beginning with an explanation of what a fistula is and some ideas on how to deal with them til you get to see your doctor.
If we can help in any way, just give us a shout. Big hugs.
Grumbletum - Yes, I have an IBD nurse, I will get in touch with them. I had a look at the fistula and abscess subforum, thank you. I also read that apparently infliximab is sometimes used to close a fistula and also a lot of people recommend a sitz bath not quite sure what that is though, this is all very new and also scary for me lol so thank you for your advice! I start my infusion this week fingers crossed that this drug works, ill try to keep you posted when I find out what it is x