Skin tags and hard lump attached to outside of anus

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Jul 1, 2009
Hiya I don't know if I have come to the right forum or if you can help but I have a few symptoms/problems and wondered if it was ok to share them with you and you you could shed light on whether I shold be checked for crohn's.
Many thanks
Snowfly, you might want to share all your symptoms and such in a post so that everybody can read them and comment. You're more likely to get responses that way.
Long story to me really but I will try to make it short. Suffered from Teens with stomach troubles, been in and out of hospital a lot of my younger life for checks. I am 30 now. When I was 22 doctors found I had Pancreatits and I was rushed to hospital. 2years later I had my gall bladder removed as they thought that that was the cause of the pancreatitis. (Also had appendix out in past, but found when they took it out it was only slightly swollen). I have been suffering on and off with pain under my ribs to the middle, have in past had abnormal liver function tests for no reason (or they couldn't find a reason). Now for the last year I have had piles (I think), Itching to my bottom so severe, A lot of skin tags and hard lump attached to outer of Anus. On saturday I bleed for no reason a lot of blood, it socked half a toilet roll and I had to have a pad. I do suffer with slight bleed which I know is due to fissure etc when wiping and straining for toilet. But I didn't strain, In fact I woke up from resting to need to check my behind. I have now also found a lump under my skin to my groin/upper,inner thigh. I am suffering still with pain under ribs that can be real severe. Now and again I get awful pains to my left lower side. Also my knees are very creeky and sore of occasion, sometimes I get shooting sharp pains in them and they give way. I suffer with fatigue a lot too.

i hope I haven't bored you, but am so worried and wanted to give as much
information as I could

I forgot to say that my bowel movements have not been good but more constipation and bloating of tummy.
Hey snowfly. .. I'm not an expert by any means, but it sounds like you definietely have an IBD, and possibly Crohns. You listed some classic symptoms. I came about my diagnosis in a different way so I can't really shed much light on much except from what I've learned and seen on this forum. I don't want to scare you, but when I found a lump in my groin area in February they thought it was a hernia, but it turned out to be an abcess from Crohns. So please get checked out from your doctor. Be honest and tell him/her everything that is going on and what symptoms you have. They need to know to help you out and make sure you get the proper treatment. Keep us posted. Oh .. and :welcome:
Thank you so much misscris, I am just panicing. I have always been a ill person, but wondering if it is all connected. I used to have on and off diahoria, but haven't for a little time now. I know I did when I was a bit younger. But other than not really having that symptom I read up on crohn's and thought it sounded so similar to my life. I will be going to the doctor tomorrow and have written a list of things wrong with me (if I was an animal seriously feel they would of put me down!) Getting mood swings now and feel grumpy a lot of the time. Just feel horrible :(
Welcome snowfly, sorry you have been feeling so horrible! I hope the dr's appt provides you with some next steps, or answers or something! take care and keep us posted on how you are doing.
hi Snowfly and welcome :)

so sorry to hear you're feeling rotten, and have had problems for such a long time. you've already been given the best advice on here, to go see your doctor and tell him/her every single thing, whether you think it's relevant or not, and include how it's affecting your mood too.

so many of the symptoms you mention sound familiar, either i've had them or i've read other Crohn's sufferers have had them, so it could well be that you do have Crohn's. but whatever your diagnosis turns out to be, you need to get to that point so you can then get the treatment you need and get your life back on track! and even if it turns out not to be Crohn's, you are always welcome here.

good luck with the appointment.. let us know how you get on.
I second that.

If you think it will help, write down your symptoms before you go into the doc.
Some smptoms are not as obvious as others, the lump for example.

You mentioned a fissure. Was this diagnosed as such? perhaps that should be looked into in more detail.
Welcome to the forum, Snowfly!
Sorry you're feeling so crappy :(
You said that your appt is today, so please let us know what happened!
Hiya and thank you everyone for your support. I went to the doctors today. She didn't say too much than that I must be in so much pain. She has given me cream for my bottom and said she thinks maybe I have a fungal infection due to the cuts and tears I have all over my bottom. She said that she thinks the lump is a cyst. She has put me in for numerous bloods tomorrow including, inactive thyroid, kidneys, liver, Iron and crohn's. She felt my tummy and said that she feels nothing acute in there although it was so tender when she was feeling it. I am so hoping that the bloods will show what is happening to my body. I have to see her again in a week.

So I am no clearer at the moment unfortunately, but your continued support really helps. Thank you
Good to see that the doctor seems to be taking you seriously and looking into everything. I hope it all gets taken care of and you get some answers soon! :)
Thank you misscris. Hoping the bloods will show what is up with me and really pleased she listened to me and is testing me for crohn's too. It is so strange how all the things I have had through my life all connect to crohn's, have had a few things I haven't said too, like I have eczema on my head and have suffered with that since I was 13. I remember when I was about 11 I woke up one day to not being able to walk, my legs were in pain with it too. I was in hospital for 2 weeks until it cleared up (did have it back about 6 months later for short while) Also suffer with shakey hands, everyone comment on how shaky I am. I wonder if any of this is linked? Have really bad paralysing headaches too that give me stroke like symptoms to my left side. Maybe it is not to do with what is going on with my body and they are separate things, but suppose you never know.
I have Eczema on my hands and feet. It's always on my hands, year round. I now have 2 forms of it, because one form wasn't enough! But on my feet it only comes every once in a while now.
Ah bless ya, I can't believe how many of the things I have now or have suffered with link to crohns. Do you think that if I have crohns it would definately show in the bloods? I worry that bloods arn't always acurate.
hiya Snowfly.. i'm really pleased you've taken that first step now to finding out what's going on, and i agree that your doc does sound like she's determined to get you sorted. the blood tests probably will show something indicative, even if it's just an acknowledgement that there's inflammation going on, or you're deficient in something... which will hopefully point her in the right direction for further tests/investigations..

talking of deficiencies.. you mention shakiness - i get this, from two causes. one - when my B12 shot is due (you might have read on here that many of us who've either had bowel surgery or who don't absorb well have Vitamin B12 injections).. when the levels are low, shaking is one of the deficiency signs. the other reason i shake is if my blood sugar level has dropped quickly, and a glass of a sugary drink usually sorts that out.. ahh, i've just thought of a 3rd reason it happens to me as well, electrolytes being low. if you get diarrhea, or vomiting, or fevers & sweating, your electrolyte levels can get depleted - there's powder sachets you can buy over the counter to rehydrate. might be worth trying one to see if it makes you feel any better.
Thanks Dingbat. So that another thing the shaky hands. These sympoms I have are mounting up. Well I am hoping the bloods put my mind at rest but at least let me know what could be up
Oh another thing I just thought of don't know if it is connected or not. I suffered with lots of mouth ulcers as a child so much so my mum told a doctor, along with tummy troubles. And my tongue used to have blotches on it. Wondering if there a connection there. Don't really suffer with the mouth ulcers anymore though. Wonder could crohn's of affected mouth area then and move to other problems down below as I got older? Just a thought.
snowfly said:
Oh another thing I just thought of don't know if it is connected or not. I suffered with lots of mouth ulcers as a child so much so my mum told a doctor, along with tummy troubles. And my tongue used to have blotches on it. Wondering if there a connection there. Don't really suffer with the mouth ulcers anymore though. Wonder could crohn's of affected mouth area then and move to other problems down below as I got older? Just a thought.

yep - mouth ulcers are common with Crohn's... have a read through these threads, you'll see that many of our members have had this symptom...
Thank you dingbat. I don't get those really anymore. But did as a child. But reading those threads again I agree with what I am hearing although these were things I had as a child and into my teens.
What has been said earlier is true.
The blood tests will only confirm if there is any inflammation, the only way of diagnosing Crohn's is with a colonoscopy.

I'm sure your doctor is now taking this seriously and will move you to a GI if she thinks the bloods show anything.
Thanks Danman, Hopefully things will be a bit clearer soon. I also thought of something else, I know I keep bringing up my different ailments, but seeing if they are linked in someway. I get so tired after eating. Especially if it is a big meal. I could just drop to the floor and sleep it is overwhelming. I get it more so if it is a big meal at lunchtime. Just another thing I have lol. God really true if I was an animal I would have been put down!

I have been living with Crohn's Disease for 11 years now.

Now I have a fistula between the small intestine and my bladder.

My doctor is recommending I begin Humira.

Is anyone using Humira at this time, and can you tell me what luck you are having?

Also, people are recommending to me to go to the Mayo Clinic or to Johns Hopkins for further diagnosis.

Anyone have any experience with either of those?

Thank you all so very much!
Hiya guys, was rushed to hospital yesterday with upper central abdominal pains. They were 10/10 and felt like labour contractions. They gave me shortness of breath, dizziness, clammy feeling, neck and shoulder stiffness and discomfort and a feeling of passing out. They took some bloods and found my liver to be slightly abnormal. They put a scope up my bottom but only a little way and are booking me in for a colonoscopy within the next 2 weeks, but they don't know what is going on. I am so scared and forever on the internet just trying to find a solution as I feel they fob me off. My bloods are due back as I told you on Thursday so we will see what they say. Yesterday was so scary. I just wish I knew what was wrong with me :(
hi snowfly, im sorry i missed you thread sooner, but welcome!
i agree with the others, from the symptoms youve mentioned it DOES sound like crohns to me, however so many members here can attest to how difficult a correct diagnosis is to attain. crohns is a very tricky one.
im so sorry you had to get rushed to the hospy :( what did they make of it? did they just draw blood and send you on your way?
you are definitly in the right place here for advice and help, ok? we will be here to help you through this! keep posting and keep us updated
welcome again :)
CreateAStir said:
I have been living with Crohn's Disease for 11 years now.

Now I have a fistula between the small intestine and my bladder.

My doctor is recommending I begin Humira.

Is anyone using Humira at this time, and can you tell me what luck you are having?

Also, people are recommending to me to go to the Mayo Clinic or to Johns Hopkins for further diagnosis.

Anyone have any experience with either of those?

Thank you all so very much!
I was on Humira briefly because of an issue with an insurance company and Remicade. It didn't do much for me, and a friend of mine had a severe allergic reaction to it when she was put on it. Having said that, Crohn's is a fickle disease, and not everybody reacts the same to each medicine.

As for the Mayo Clinic, I probably stand alone on this, but I think they're completely full of shit. One of my best friends (the one who had the reaction to Humira) has a rich father who insists she go to Mayo rather than a local gastro (incidentally, my gastro is her father's next door neighbor). In the four years we've been friends, I've consistently been relatively healthy and she has consistently been relatively ill. Her doctors are unwilling to try her out on some of the most commonly successful meds (Flagyl, 6MP, and Immuran, for instance). They also took her off of Asacol a few years ago despite the fact that it appeared to be working for her because some test that they had run showed that Asacol didn't actually dissolve until it was past the terminal ileum (a google search will demonstrate their complete fullofshitness on that particular point). So she basically has maybe four or five good days a month, whereas I usually have four or five bad days a month. Maybe other people have had better results with Mayo, but I wouldn't trust those doctors as far as I could throw them.... and I'm on a post-surgery 50-pound weight limit, so my range is limited.
kello82 said:
hi snowfly, im sorry i missed you thread sooner, but welcome!
i agree with the others, from the symptoms youve mentioned it DOES sound like crohns to me, however so many members here can attest to how difficult a correct diagnosis is to attain. crohns is a very tricky one.
im so sorry you had to get rushed to the hospy :( what did they make of it? did they just draw blood and send you on your way?
you are definitly in the right place here for advice and help, ok? we will be here to help you through this! keep posting and keep us updated
welcome again :)

Thank you. The bloods so far have shown nothing but slightly elevated Liver. I have a feeling they are just fobbing me off. How strange that I have gone from taking about 3 days for a poop, but yet today I have been three time (soft not diahria) That is not like me at all! I am lucky if I get one bowel movement everyday!

I have been back to the doctors today, telling her about how I am suffering with pain, letting her know about the hospital on sat, saying that I have felt dizzy and been sick twice today, also been feeling nauseous all day.

Do you know what she did......put me on anti-depressants! OMG I swear I am going to scream! Yes I feel down, yes I have for a long time, but wouldn't anyone who has reoccuring pain!

I know that the docs from hospital want to do a colonoscopy and said they would do it within the next 2 weeks (we will see hey!) Then doc says if those results are fine she will refer me to a surgeon to see if the pains I am getting to my middle upper abdoman (slight to right with back pain and shoulder pain also) is due to the fact I had my gallbladder removed.

But just feel like I am waiting, waiting and getting more and more pain :(
Don't knock the antidepressants. IBD-related pain is often stress induced, and you sound stressed. I've seen a few studies which indicate that Wellbutrin in particular is very effective in combating the symptoms of Crohn's disease. Besides, Crohn's disease slows or sometimes outright stops the absorption of B12, which in turn can trigger depression or bipolar disorder.
crohnsappleadams said:
Don't knock the antidepressants. IBD-related pain is often stress induced, and you sound stressed. I've seen a few studies which indicate that Wellbutrin in particular is very effective in combating the symptoms of Crohn's disease. Besides, Crohn's disease slows or sometimes outright stops the absorption of B12, which in turn can trigger depression or bipolar disorder.

Really, that interesting thank you. Yes I am very stressed to the point of going out of my mind :(

Stressing today too because as well as a bit of change to bowel movements, I keep rushing to the loo thinking I need a poop, then nothing comes out.

Mystery as the doc said at hospital on sat!

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