Skipping colonoscopies

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Jun 20, 2012
Have you ever missed a colonoscopy cause you didn't want or were scared of the results i stuffed up royally i missed my last colonoscopy earlier last year out of fear of the prep and results and now am paying for it Im sick and should be more vigilant than a healthy person about my colonoscopy but i stuffed up big time now just needed to tell people who get it
I haven't "missed" a colonoscopy but have put one off for a few months. I was supposed to have had one in 2016. But, we ended up using all our medical account for my husband because he needed a replacement tooth.

Plus, we ended up flying across the states for a memorial for my grandpa in early august which was kinda expensive. And, it's been really stressful at work for me in 2016.

So, we scheduled a colonoscopy for this month on the 19th. But, I'm a bit apprehensive about it because work is still very stressful for me right now. And, we're hoping that I'm not in a flare at the time because we'll be forking the bill if I am. So, I know where you're going... :ybatty:
I avoided colonoscopies for about three years because the first one was such agony, but then I ended up so ill I just had to let them do it. My diagnosis went from ulcerative colitis to Crohns. Who knows whether the outcome would have been any different if I'd had the colonoscopies as scheduled?
I've never actually skipped or delayed a colonoscopy, but I have been tempted to. I can see where somebody might actually do that.
Yes loads.

Not scared of the results. Just the price!

I can't imagine having to pay upfront for the pleasure of a colonoscopy! (Of course we pay in our taxes here in the UK, but NHS is largely free at the point of use.) How much does a colonoscopy cost, just out of interest - I'm curious to know as I'm sure we'll be paying upfront before the end of my lifetime in this country too.
In the US is considered preventative test and as long as you have insurance
It's covered 100% free through the ACA .
How can a country like the US spend over 600billion dollars a year on defense let people die on the streets from poor healthcare? It's madness.

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