Slowing down...

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Jun 29, 2007
Well, I've been on a low fibre diet for a few months now. I have to drink Benefiber to satisfy soluble fibre requirements.

Over the last few weeks, I've started to 'slow down'. I was going to the bathroom once or twice a day (which is comfortable for me), but now, I find that I'll grind to a halt for a day or two then struggle to get everything moving again.

I'm missing a lot of time at work because I'm stuck at home, running in and out of the toilet only to produce pitiful amounts of anything!

I'm not sure why I'm having problems. I stick to the low fibre diet religiously. The only possibilities that I can think of would be that my strictures are getting worse (I'm not in a flare up though) or that the approach of summer means that I need to drink more fluid (which I'm starting to do, but seeing no benefit).

I'm feeling pretty unwell, and fairly depressed about it all, but I don't think the doctors will be able to recommend much other than laxatives, which I always have a bad time with.

Any ideas what I can try?
Have you tried miralax. It's not very bad on the stomach and will make you go. I wish you the best of luck
Yes, my main problem is obstructions and there really aren't too many things you can do. 1) Go on a liquid/soft diet for 1-2 days 2) make sure it is a lot of liquid 3) if that doesn't help get things moving, add a natural laxative like senokot to your soft diet 4) once your BMs are a lil more under control start adding more and more solids. Should keep you right for a while until it starts back up again... then back to the diet. This works pretty well for me, it might work for you.

But look out for signs of obstructions cause they can be pretty dangerous.
A low fibre diet would likely be responsible for the problem you have on its own, but you say you are supplementing your fibre intake so this should not be too much of a problem. Have their been any changes in your external environment (more stress, change in foods eaten within your low fibre diet, different routine, different location where you live, etc.) as these can all affect your bowel habits. Are you drinking adequate amounts of water and can you find yourself able to do some exercise? These things usually help as well.

We often look to IBD as the reason things change, but many people see changes in their bowel habits from time to time. While it is good to be suspicious and be proactive about any changes, you also need to realize it is possible that it is just a normal thing and not worry or stress over the situation (which would result in it becoming worse most likely).
I have this exact same problem.

I will go 2-3 days with pitiful results then I will get intense pain and then I will GOGOGO for 1 day. Its like what's inside me finally gets liquidized up and passes through. I had miralax in my hand today but I put it down. =(
I've had this issue as well. Just recently I went 7 days without a BM. I ended up going to the dr because I've never gone that long without one and it scared me. I hope things smooth out for you. I echo Jeff D, after hearing about Miralax on here I've become a convert, it works very very well.
drew_wymore said:
I've had this issue as well. Just recently I went 7 days without a BM. I ended up going to the dr because I've never gone that long without one and it scared me. I hope things smooth out for you. I echo Jeff D, after hearing about Miralax on here I've become a convert, it works very very well.

The closest thing I could get to that here was Movicol. I think it's pretty similar.

I've spent the last week in agony though, while everything started making it way down. Very unpleasant. I prefer diarrhoea to be honest. It's easier to deal with.

Every time this happens, I feel like I'm one step closer to asking for surgery.