Small bowel resection next week...getting nervous now :/

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Oct 20, 2012
Hi there,

I'm due to have a small bowel resection next week - 14/11/2012 and have been for my pre-assessment today. It's all starting to feel a bit more real even though I was only told about the surgery three weeks ago. I'm having the surgery due to a tight ulcerated stricture in my small bowel and although they are hoping to do it laparoscopically I have been advised this might not be possible. I feel very nervous today, I feel anxious about the outcome of the surgery and wondered if anyone had any pearls of wisdom to share......many thanks x
Hi there. I don't have any pearls of wisdom, but you have my support and understanding. I am due to see a surgeon in less than a week for a discussion about removing a stricture. I wish you the best and I can more than guess about the butterflies (and gurgles and pain) in you gut!

You'll do fine!
Hi, I have been right where you are now. I am sorry you have to go through this. At first it is incredibly nerve-racking and worrisome. I'm not going to lie or sugar-coat anything. I'm not ashamed to admit when I was being wheeled down to my surgery I was in tears. I was a whole bundle of nerves, anger, fear and worry. What got me through was #1) my wife, #2) I trusted my surgeon without a doubt. (Even though I had that trust, I was still a mess, our brains move at warp speed during these times). I would ask again in what situation would the surgery NOT be done laparoscopically? I am not very familiar with small bowel surgeries, but is it because of the location that they may have to go in the old way? Best of luck. I know that you will make it through without any problems. Lean on your family and friends (hopefully someone will be there for you). They want to help. When I was in the hospital I started referring to all of them as "The People Who Stare at Me." But when I asked them, they were always there with kind words of reassurance.
Hey there, I don't have any advice except to say I'm I'm the same boat as you two. I meet my surgeon on the 29th. I keep looking for others experiences because I'm so nervous and have so many questions to ask the surgeon. I believe I have to have part of the terminal ileum removed. I have multiple strictures caused by scar tissue. Have have had balloon dilation 3 times! It doesn't last long. I understand how you both feel. I hope you have a great experience. Please post how it goes. :)
I'm in the same boat as well. My surgery has been set for Dec. 11 due to a stricture in the terminal ileum. They will remove the diseased part plus ileocoecal valve and a small part of the large intestine. I went to the surgeon in sept at the request of my dr. and could not accept that I would need surgery. Needless to say, I can't keep living the way I am right now. The pred, entocort, pentasa didn't work. I will see the surgeon again on nov 21. I have lots of questions and fears and anxiety as well. Having supportive people around you helps. Hope everything goes well for you. I've read that a lot of people are glad they had the surgery b/c it helped their quality of life. That is what I am hoping for too.
I had a laproscopic resection 6 or so weeks ago, so I know the whole gamut of emotions you guys are going through. I only had a day's notice that I was getting the surgery and I was really quite glad of that. I too had a good old blub in the waiting area before going in and had to be comforted by my surgeon and persuaded not to chicken out of having it!
I am telling you in all honesty that - after two years of being very poorly - I am feeling so well and almost back to my pre Crohn's self. You'll find an 'as it was happening' thread of mine in this sub forum and a blow by blow detailed account in the 'My Surgery Story' section.
I wish you folks who are waiting to go into hospital all the very best and try not to worry too much. xxx
I had my surgery 10 days ago.. I removed a strictures part of my ileum so I am still recovering. What I can tell you is that I went through it And it was so scary for me .. The thought of having an open surgery or ending with a stoma or having a complication etc. It all starts to feel so real after you finish your ore ops but think about how well you will feel after you do it and try to keep yourself busy during this week. I hope it all turns out great for you and you feel better.