So confused after apparent relapse

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Apr 18, 2014
Hi everyone. So I was diagnosed with Crohn’s in 2007 and started on azathioprine, and then we added Remicade in April of 2014 when I developed a partial obstruction from stenosis in my terminal ileum. My GI hoped it was just inflammation and would respond to the Remicade, but by August I was mostly juicing because I couldn’t pass food through my TI and I ended up in surgery. I had a small bowel resection and three strictureplasties. Since recovering from surgery, and after a little fiddling with the frequency of my infusions, I have mostly enjoyed a lovely 10 year stretch of remission. In fact, I would say I didn’t even feel like I had Crohn’s at all.

Well, all of that came to an abrupt end in the first week of March. This may be completely coincidental timing, but here’s what I attribute it to: a friend wanted some homemade ginger beer and I told her I’d make her some. While attempting to perfect my recipe, I was drinking LOTS of the stuff over several days and by day three I was feeling like I was in a flare. Well that flare had not subsided. I don’t know if it was the fresh ginger juice, the lime juice or what, but I’d been feeling great for years so it’s hard not to think there’s a connection.

Anyway, my doctor ordered tests and neither my CRP or fecal calprotectin were elevated, but I explained that I’ve never shown any elevated inflammatory markers. (I’ve only been with this GI for 3-1/2 years due to an insurance change.) I guess some people don’t. I had a colonoscopy and he noted several ulcerations in my neo-terminal ileum with a tight stenosis at one of the ulcers. We‘re still waiting for biopsy results, so apparently it could be something other than the Crohn’s, though it’s hard to imagine. He hasn’t tested me recently for Infliximab antibodies so I don’t know if I’ll have a medication change. This has been going on for two months and I’m still feeling bad and all I can think about is how much more damage is happening while I wait, and am I going to end up in surgery again.

In the meantime, my doctor’s nurse has recommended that I eat a low residue diet, which I am doing, but I know gut health depends on good microbes and short chain fatty acids, which I’m not getting by cutting out fiber. I don’t know what to eat. I’m so confused. Did I bring this on myself with the ginger beer? I’m sort of despairing because I feel like I’m living 2014 all over again.

I apologize for whining. Thanks for listening — waiting is lonely.
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Have you tried een (exclusive enteral nutrition)?
Means formula only (boost , ensure ,peptamen etc..) no solid food
Thus is used instead of steriods for kids for 6-8 weeks to heal the intestine.
Also is low residue.
Might be worth asking about .
My kiddo (now adult ) did it 2-3 times since dx .
First time he was only 7 so he didn’t know he had a choice .
Good luck 👍🏻
Have you tried een (exclusive enteral nutrition)?
Means formula only (boost , ensure ,peptamen etc..) no solid food
Thus is used instead of steriods for kids for 6-8 weeks to heal the intestine.
Also is low residue.
Might be worth asking about .
My kiddo (now adult ) did it 2-3 times since dx .
First time he was only 7 so he didn’t know he had a choice .
Good luck 👍🏻

No, I have not, but it’s definitely something to consider. So, maybe I had inflammation that caused ulcers and now the inflammation is down but the ulcers remain, and my gut just needs a rest in order to heal? I swear, I don’t know why this is so hard for me to figure out. 😄 Thank you.
It happenned to me too that the disease came back where I had strictureplasties even under anti tnf. I switched to vedolizumab and it got better.

Regarding your concerns about gut health dont worry too much, as I’m sure you have healthy habits usually.

I hope an adjustement of Remicade dose or a treatment change will settle things for you. EEN could induce remission too but it’s clearly not ideal with a normal social life. I used to replace 1 meal a day with modulen though and it helped me cope with symptoms.
It happenned to me too that the disease came back where I had strictureplasties even under anti tnf. I switched to vedolizumab and it got better.

Regarding your concerns about gut health dont worry too much, as I’m sure you have healthy habits usually.

I hope an adjustement of Remicade dose or a treatment change will settle things for you. EEN could induce remission too but it’s clearly not ideal with a normal social life. I used to replace 1 meal a day with modulen though and it helped me cope with symptoms.

Thanks, Guerrero. I always knew it was a possibility for the Crohn’s to come back at the same location, but after 10 years of remission, I guess I was in denial that it could happen to me. I’m glad to hear you’re doing better.

My doc finally got back to me and he prescribed a 5 week prednisone taper. It seems so long. 😕 He’s also ordered the infliximab-specific labs to be drawn at my infusion tomorrow and ordered an MRE. I guess, in the meantime, I’ll stick with my low-residue diet.

I appreciate your response.
I’m so sorry for you! This is NOT anything you did. Maybe the lime juice hit the ulcers and made you aware of some damage that was happening that you did not know about? (Just spitballing here—maybe the ginger beer saved you from more damage?)

Low residue does allow for some types of fibre, although glorious whole grains and salads are out. You might be able to handle things like sweet potatoes, bananas, avocado, and cantaloupe. Maybe give some options a try and see what works.

p.s. When you can feel more positively about it, please teach us all how to make your ginger beer?
Hey @Khaley,
I was "symptom free" for well over 20 years. Felt great... but in actual fact I'd probably had some flares. Just chalked it up to too much beer and wings. From 40 onwards I got scopes done and there was evidence of stricturing. Humira controlled it for a bit, but wore off. Been on Stelara since. But over the last 15 years there's been scarring and even though Stelara was "keeping it at bay" I was getting blockages due to diet. Detailed CT scans showed a second area further "up the pipe" so the decision was made to do another re-section and use Steleara as a maintenance therapy going forward. It's been 6 months and my systme is finally settling into a routine. I have bad BAM due to two resections and an emergency gall-bladder removal. It's probably the worst thing to deal with. I take 6 Colesevelam pills/ day to help give me a semblance of normality. And NOW I'm taking what I eat much more seriously. I've discovered that milk and bread don't do me any favours. Since cutting gluten and milk I've noticed a big difference in gas and BMs (way more solid). I'm limiting coffee and nightshades. (they ALWAYS cause issues). I'm in the "time to listen to my body" phase of my life because I DON'T want another resection. Starting to get into shape again. That's helping a LOT! Find out what works for you. I'm doing a calprep test next week to make sure the Stelara is doing its job. Colonoscopy in September. Monitor. Eat right. Exercise. Sleep. I hope something I've said can help in any small way.