So glad I found you...Not sure what I have

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 9, 2011
I am a 40 yr. old female with no health insurance, so I figured I'd give this site a try. Well, I do have a doctor, I actually go to a community clinic. So...she's young and I don't like to weigh her down with too much, so I haven't mentioned this ailment yet. First of all, my food doesn't digest I would say about 25 percent of the time. I can bring it up whole..beans, greens, corn, popcorn, cornbread, etc...also I burp a lot. I can burp and have food sitting in my throat waiting to be rushed to the garbage or toilet. I am constipated a lot also, and often times, I have to rub my stomach for results. My bowel even gets stuck on my left side for some reason and I have to rub it out. I spit up acid, and also a form of snotty like mucous(excuse me)..which thie mucous could be sinus. Sometimes, I have no choice but to force it all up or either be uncomfortable. But, its terrible. On top of it all, I retain salt..taking 80mg lasiks a day for it and taking glucophage for prediabetes... They telll me No sugar no salt..what a life. I was told I have pitting edema. If I am spelling it right, my legs swell to the point where I get indentations. I push my leg in,,,and it stays that way for a minute or so. I don't know if I retain water because it can't escape due to constipation, or what. But my relevant problem for this board is my throwing up whole food. It seems like my body is breaking down, and with no insurance its hard to ask a doctor about every ailment. They only want to deal with one at a least the doctors I have seen. Its always...What is the most uncomfortable to you? I tell them, everything is uncomfortable, but I guess no insurance doesn't go that far. Heck my county charged me 3100 for a stress test...I am so done. Thank you for listening to the relevant and irrelevant....its nice to have a listening ear... thanks so much. By the way, anyone think I may qualify for public insurance. Everything is being paid by cash now..meds, doc visits, etc..its not easy.
Hi and welcome! I am sorry you are having so many health issues and can't get the care you deserve. I am not a doctor, so unfortunately, I can't offer too much advice. However, throwing up undigested food and being constipated could be signs of a blockage, which is not a good thing. I would certainly mention this to your doctor at the clinic.

Keep us posted!
:welcome: to the forum. Having no insurance suck especially in the states. I would like to point out all those foods you mentioned you brough up, is a major no no for IBD problems, one they are very hard to digest. Try to stick to rice, bread/toast and ensure for nutrition. You probably need a colonscopy and even still there is no guarantee. Crohns and Colits can be very hard to diagnose. You need to see a Gi but without insurance you are SOL... can't help you much but if you have pain that is not a good sign.

Lots of people here to give you their insight. Hope you find out what the cause is. Still to bland and easy to digest foods. :hang:
i do the same with food, i blame heart burn. I am so sorry you have no insurance is there any public options in IL. New york has something called healthy ny if you don't qualify for medicaid (or is it care) which isn't to outrageous for most people its for working people who don't have insurance via job but to high an income. go apply you never know what you can get.

welcome sorry. not having insurance is my bigest fear.
I don't have insurance either and I feel your pain. Fortunately there are programs here to help those without insurance and low income. I have no advice for you since I don't live there, except maybe Google assistance programs. I'm sorry you don't know what is wrong yet. I hope you find out soon.

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