So I was diagnosed Yesterday with CD

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 1, 2011
Im a 20 year old guy from Maryland, diagnosed yesterday with Crohns Disease. I have been having harsh harsh abdominal pain for maybe a month, a month and a half. It first started off with severe constipation, followed by severe anti-constipation, the dreaded diarrhea. The pain comes and goes at its leisure, I feel fine some days, and other days have been bloody murder. At first my doctor thought I had some sort of ulcer, with the stomach pain and bloody stool, but after literally a month of spit-balling diagnoses and a CT scan later, he saw the inflammation in some part of my small intestine.

Fun stuff right?

So for the first time in a month last night I was able to get some Tylenol extra strength 500mg. My goodness what a difference that made. It was like night and day. I took two earlier in the evening and decided that two more before I went to sleep would let me actually get a full nights rest for a change. Wrong. Boy I popped those babys and and within minutes I was hunched over the great white porcelain god dry heaving. Not eating anything all day, plus a stomach full of pain meds and water = not great success.

I won't sugar coat this next part. I am a recreational dope smoker. Thats right, that devil grass, that horrible ganja, that terrible weed. Whatever you want to call it, I likes it in my lungs. Well I had been noticing for the past couple weeks that when I smoked, I really felt better. Both of my friends who I partake with, noticed similarly. The pain was gone. I didn't feel like I had to run to the bathroom every 1/2 an hour. I had an appetite again (something that I havnt had for the past month). I see now that no matter what your opinion on the subject, it helps me. It changed my perspective completely, that what I was just using to get high with my friends, really had something special in it. To date, it is the only thing that truly relieves all of my symptoms. And I don't say that lightly. Is it a wonder drug? Absolutely not. But from my experience, that dope, that ganja, that weed; really has helped me through some of the really tough painful times, better than anything, and I mean ANYTHING, else.

So I suppose I will end my story with where I began, my name is John, I suffer from Crohn's Disease, my friends and family have been nothing but supportive, but sometimes no matter what they do, its just not enough. At the end of the day, I sit here in my room alone, on my bed hunched over in pain, grimacing hours on end. Nothing for it I guess. Everyone has to live with something, this is just my burden from here on. It sucks, it really hasn't "sunk in" yet, I don't really know how I feel. All I know is that there is nothing I can do but wait it out like the thousands of other people like me. Stay strong friends, I am trying, and that's all we can do.
Welcome John! I think you'll find you aren't alone here in discovering mj helps with crohn's problems. I certainly wouldn't fault you for it. Have you been prescribed any other med? Has prednisone been mentioned? Usually, from what my son and many others have experienced, the GI's will initially px pentasa or asacol depending on the location of the inflammation. Then, they generally seem to recommend a course of prednisone to quickly get you into remission. I hope you have caught it early and can quickly gain control. Good luck!!
The good news is now that you know what it is, you can treat it. In my case nothing took the pain away except surgery, but I had that and my life is now so, so much better. Hopefully your doc can find some good treatment for you that works for you (and you can avoid surgery) and you will be feeling a lot better soon.

Welcome to the forum.

By the way, we have a forum here about marijuana as a treatment for Crohn's. It has anti-inflammatory properties. Where I live (WA State, US) Crohn's is one of a few conditions you can get an Rx for medicinal marijuana. That might be something worth looking in to for you?
Hi John! :welcome:
Sorry to hear your story, being diagnosed was hard for me too I denied it for a month or so LOL

I was officially diagnosed Aug 20 after pathology reports confirmed Although I have gone blindly undiagnosed for 15 years! On Aug 10 I had surgery to have some of my colon removed, and I'm feeling very good now I will start prevenative treatment next week.

As for the Mary Jane, many of us here in this forum smoke. It saved my life I swear I wouldn't have made it thru this last flair up with out it! It Just might be a wonder drug. There is a Medicinal MJ forum you should check it out.

Good Luck to you.
Hi John and welcome! Hey, whatever works! Many have found marijuana to be helpful, hence our sub-forum on the topic. However, a maintenance medication is important, too. Have you and your doctor discussed treatment options? You may want to poke around the Treatment forum to read up on your options.

And you are right. Having Crohn's sucks. It took me a long time to accept it; some days I am still not sure I am completely there yet. But I try to think positive and of all the people who have IBD and live happy, productive lives.

Take your time digesting all of this (no pun intended) and be angry & upset. You're allowed!
Hi John,
Thanks for sharing. I appreciate your honesty. I also smoke the herb, but, only once in awhile. Oh yes, the appetite does return!! hahah.
I was diagnosed last month and have been confused about this disease. I was soooo very happy to find this forum.
I look forward to seeing you around on here!

have a happy day..
Welcome to the forum; I recently joined as well and have found it very nice that you do not have to worry about being judged here...nothing but nice people going through many of the same things that you are going through.


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