Im a 20 year old guy from Maryland, diagnosed yesterday with Crohns Disease. I have been having harsh harsh abdominal pain for maybe a month, a month and a half. It first started off with severe constipation, followed by severe anti-constipation, the dreaded diarrhea. The pain comes and goes at its leisure, I feel fine some days, and other days have been bloody murder. At first my doctor thought I had some sort of ulcer, with the stomach pain and bloody stool, but after literally a month of spit-balling diagnoses and a CT scan later, he saw the inflammation in some part of my small intestine.
Fun stuff right?
So for the first time in a month last night I was able to get some Tylenol extra strength 500mg. My goodness what a difference that made. It was like night and day. I took two earlier in the evening and decided that two more before I went to sleep would let me actually get a full nights rest for a change. Wrong. Boy I popped those babys and and within minutes I was hunched over the great white porcelain god dry heaving. Not eating anything all day, plus a stomach full of pain meds and water = not great success.
I won't sugar coat this next part. I am a recreational dope smoker. Thats right, that devil grass, that horrible ganja, that terrible weed. Whatever you want to call it, I likes it in my lungs. Well I had been noticing for the past couple weeks that when I smoked, I really felt better. Both of my friends who I partake with, noticed similarly. The pain was gone. I didn't feel like I had to run to the bathroom every 1/2 an hour. I had an appetite again (something that I havnt had for the past month). I see now that no matter what your opinion on the subject, it helps me. It changed my perspective completely, that what I was just using to get high with my friends, really had something special in it. To date, it is the only thing that truly relieves all of my symptoms. And I don't say that lightly. Is it a wonder drug? Absolutely not. But from my experience, that dope, that ganja, that weed; really has helped me through some of the really tough painful times, better than anything, and I mean ANYTHING, else.
So I suppose I will end my story with where I began, my name is John, I suffer from Crohn's Disease, my friends and family have been nothing but supportive, but sometimes no matter what they do, its just not enough. At the end of the day, I sit here in my room alone, on my bed hunched over in pain, grimacing hours on end. Nothing for it I guess. Everyone has to live with something, this is just my burden from here on. It sucks, it really hasn't "sunk in" yet, I don't really know how I feel. All I know is that there is nothing I can do but wait it out like the thousands of other people like me. Stay strong friends, I am trying, and that's all we can do.
Fun stuff right?
So for the first time in a month last night I was able to get some Tylenol extra strength 500mg. My goodness what a difference that made. It was like night and day. I took two earlier in the evening and decided that two more before I went to sleep would let me actually get a full nights rest for a change. Wrong. Boy I popped those babys and and within minutes I was hunched over the great white porcelain god dry heaving. Not eating anything all day, plus a stomach full of pain meds and water = not great success.
I won't sugar coat this next part. I am a recreational dope smoker. Thats right, that devil grass, that horrible ganja, that terrible weed. Whatever you want to call it, I likes it in my lungs. Well I had been noticing for the past couple weeks that when I smoked, I really felt better. Both of my friends who I partake with, noticed similarly. The pain was gone. I didn't feel like I had to run to the bathroom every 1/2 an hour. I had an appetite again (something that I havnt had for the past month). I see now that no matter what your opinion on the subject, it helps me. It changed my perspective completely, that what I was just using to get high with my friends, really had something special in it. To date, it is the only thing that truly relieves all of my symptoms. And I don't say that lightly. Is it a wonder drug? Absolutely not. But from my experience, that dope, that ganja, that weed; really has helped me through some of the really tough painful times, better than anything, and I mean ANYTHING, else.
So I suppose I will end my story with where I began, my name is John, I suffer from Crohn's Disease, my friends and family have been nothing but supportive, but sometimes no matter what they do, its just not enough. At the end of the day, I sit here in my room alone, on my bed hunched over in pain, grimacing hours on end. Nothing for it I guess. Everyone has to live with something, this is just my burden from here on. It sucks, it really hasn't "sunk in" yet, I don't really know how I feel. All I know is that there is nothing I can do but wait it out like the thousands of other people like me. Stay strong friends, I am trying, and that's all we can do.