So what symptoms do everyone suffer from?

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Jan 4, 2010
This year will be my second year with UC and I'm experiencing symptoms I never experience in my first year.
It's Kind of scary. What I hate the most is feeling awfully sick which lasts anywhere from seconds to a few minutes. There's other symptoms but I Feel kind of sick so I'll leave it short for now.
When I am flaring, my worst symptom is urgency. I sometimes have 6 seconds or less to get to the toilet, and sometimes don't make it. The other common symptom for me is frequency, going 10-15 times or so in a day, even several times in the middle of the night. Fatigue is a problem obviously, when I'm going that many times in one day, but chaffing from going so much, I'm lucky that I don't have too much pain, maybe I have to unbutton and unzip to take the pressure off, but it's livable as long as I don't stray too far from a toilet.
Leakage is a problem when flaring too, I gues that's about it. Seems like there is more.
The urgency to go I know about! I just had one! sometimes I can hold it but it will come again in another minute. The middle of the night thing I sometimes get too. Leakage yeah.... We need this cure quick!!!!!
I have urgency as well. I also have rectal bleeding, diarrhea (but only during flares, other than that I just have really soft stools), nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and of course stomach and side pain.
When I'm flaring:

Lots of watery D
Urgency & frequency
Pain, pain & did I mention pain? Lots of that.
Episcleritis in eye
Skin rash
Loss of appetite
When I am flaring:

Lots of D
Lots of intense pain
Lots of weight loss

When I first got diagnosed I had PG and a Fistula, but not with any flare since.
I dont have the urgency issue. I have pain and cramping stabbing pains. I break out in sweat it hurts so bad, but I dont have urgency, and going to the bathroom doesnt really help the pain. Its worse when I wake up in the morning and after I eat. My belly gets really tender to the touch and my butt will hurt really bad too. I have a hard time passing a BM if the swelling and inflammation gets too bad. I get the bloody stools and if I have a fistula it will drain a little here and there.

Since my remicade infusion, I feel fantastic. Its like I dont even have crohns disease.
When I'm flaring I have

Pain, Watery explosions, urgencey, nausea, Pain, weight loss, headache, sore eyes, Pain, fatigue, joint pain, mouth ulcers, hemmies, depression, and pain.
Oh sorry, I forgot to mention Pain too Violet!!
When I'm at my worst I have:-

Enough bloating and gas to power an air balloon, crampy pain, trapped wind pains, left-sided abdominal ache, intense ache in tummy under my ribs, bottom ache, backache, joint aches, an alien in my belly feeling, hemmies, fatigue, yellowy diarrhoea, frightening weight loss, loss of appetite.

Oh and I sometimes get other weird inflammation round my body too - sinusitis, eye inflammation, interstitial cystitis, asthma, skin rashes.....

Oh and all of the above makes me depressed, anxious and generally grumpy!!!

My Butt Hurts said:
When I am flaring, my worst symptom is urgency. I sometimes have 6 seconds or less to get to the toilet, and sometimes don't make it. The other common symptom for me is frequency, going 10-15 times or so in a day, even several times in the middle of the night. Fatigue is a problem obviously, when I'm going that many times in one day, but chaffing from going so much, I'm lucky that I don't have too much pain, maybe I have to unbutton and unzip to take the pressure off, but it's livable as long as I don't stray too far from a toilet.
Leakage is a problem when flaring too, I gues that's about it. Seems like there is more.

Ditto for me...except my urgency is not QUITE that bad...I have never had a full blown accident, just some major leakage.

Worst thing for me is my recto-vaginal fistula which had developed into an abscess...pain, swelling, soreness, drainage...just general misery. Much better since my last surgery in October, though.

Recent symptoms include pain below the rib cage, nausea and bouts of C followed by explosive D. I had one horrible episode of vomiting bile and green/yellow D...I suspect I might have a partial obstruction. I don't usually have pain other than gas cramps, so that's new.

Oh, and mouth sores. I always know a flare is coming because I get sores in my mouth. I have had them my whole life...long before my dx.
I've had the usual gamut of symptoms over the years. Chronic frequency and urgency with diarrhea now is my main Crohn's-related issue, although I'm starting to notice my eyes are irritated from time to time.
my main symptoms are watery diareah, feeling constantly sick and vomitting and also right sided pain, cramps and pain under ribs
Yes to the pain. Like nothing I'd felt before this all started 7 months ago. Hmm, what else? Vomiting, fever, headache, urgency, frequency, diarrhea (and other outputs that don't belong), muscle aches, fatigue.
Ok general symptoms when flaring are; nausea & vomiting, D & sometimes urgency to go & frequency, lower back & hip pain, overall joint pain, fatigue, low grade fever, pain on the right side of my abdo, weight loss and lose of appetite! I thinks thats about it ;)
My most common CD symptoms are diarrhea, urgency, night accidents, nausea, flu like feeling, joint pain, loss of appetite, weight loss. .

When I had my past partial bowel obstructions, I felt severe pain after eating, extreme bloat, labour like pains when I was admitted to hospital accompanied by sweats, vomiting and weakness.
Pain in my belly,nausea, cramping, urgency, waking in the middle to go have explosive D, D all day long and pain after eating. It almost feels better not to eat.
When I'm in a flare I get urgency, blood & mucus, lots and lots and lots of loose BMs, wind like it's going out of fashion, bloating, sickness, nausea, pain in my belly, like a dull ache, then pain like a knifes being pulled length ways across my belly button, my joints ache, I get this weird thing in the mornings where I can't move because it feels like someones pulling my knee caps off, and my ankles so I have to make myself go back to sleep or I just sit there and cry, dry skin very badly, which is everywhere and can get painful, eczema, fatigue, dehydrated, feeling like a got a flu/bug, headache, dislike of bright/loud things, depression, anxiety, hmmm god, I've never actually sat down and thought about these like this, but there is quite a few there isn't there. We must be like super humans to put up with all this, and still get up in the mornings!!!
D (though I have it whether I'm flaring or not)
Mouth sores
Pink eye kind of thing
Non-ankolysing spondylitis
Lost appetite
Weight loss or gain
Dry skin, hair, etc

I would like to be traded in for a new model, please.

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