Hi Daisy,
Can't help you with the reintroduction of food as my son is in the same boat. He is 16 and was also recently diagnosed (May). Currently he is on Tolerex, liquid diet however he has it overnight through an NG (nasal) tube. During the day, he is allowed only broth, clear juices, jello, freezies. His therapy runs 6 weeks and he has approx 16 days left. But, being 16, he understands the reasons and necessity of following this diet, must be very difficult with a child so young!
His dietician has told me that she rarely sees problems when reintroducing foods. I am meeting with her next week, however, she told me that when food is reintroduced, it will be first soft starches, then soft/low-fat meats and alternatives, soft fruits/veggies and then dairy.
This treatment has taken away all his symptoms, however, I am worried how his Crohn's will react once he starts eating again.
Good luck!