Sometimes people really upset me

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Staff member
Jan 9, 2010
I can't say anything in the thread I just read because everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs plus I don't want to be rude to anyone either. It just pisses me off when there's a parent in control of a child's life and they don't fully understand what they're dealing with and they choose to not treat the child with what the doctor prescribed. Granted the doc should have talked to them about it but would they really try the drug out first if he had or would they try to see if changing the child's diet and waving crystal faries over the kid's head would make the crohns go away? Eating less red meat isn't going to do crap for a flare. And praying to the purple spotted unicorn at midnight while you spin around 5 times isn't going to help either. Not to mention they have another child with the same thing but that child never had to take blah blah drug before so I guess that means the other one doesn't need it either right? How thick do you have to be?

I know this should be in the "rant" section of the forum but I don't want this thread to be seen by the newcomer. I just had to say something. A kid's life is on the line and the parents are sitting on their hands. Maybe I should have kept this to myself but for the love of... grrrrr.
perhaps you could pm them? and raise your concerns

Haha, no. Someone else was able to say what I wanted to say but in a way that isn't rude. I didn't know it could be done cause of the words I wanted to use. :p
I totally agree with you Crabby....damn...doctors don't prescribe medications for nothing...
hi Crabby :)

just wanted to ask if you want this thread deleting now? i'm just conscious of the fact that the member you're talking about might at some point ask for access to the Zone and read this..
I guess I don't know all of the details with that particular poster, but I am very glad that I did not follow my doctor's advice once.
Just before my Crohn's diagnosis, my bloods came back as being hyper-thyroid. She gave me beta-blockers to lower my heart rate, and a prescription to have my thyroid ablated. They were going to nuclearly (is that a word?) destroy my thyroid, then I would have to be on medicinal thyroid replacement for life.
With this treatment, I would not be able to cuddle my 18 month old child until the radiation disapated from my body, which would have been 2 weeks or so if I remember correctly, so I was trying to put it off until he was a bit older.
Out of nowhere, my thyroid was suddenly normal. It was just an infection, not a permanent problem. Had I not waited, my thyroid would have been gone when it didn't have to be.

Sometimes we know our bodies better than our doctors do. I have often felt like I know my children better than their doctors do. We are with them 24/7, not the doctors.

My daughter's doctor thought that she was borderline failure to thrive. I knew that she was eating just fine, and she just had my genes. I was always very very skinny growing up. She in now a 5 year old brilliant little girl and still as skinny as a string bean.

My son had a fever that lasted for a few days, and he was sleeping so much it was scary. I went to the doc, they said he was fine. A few days later I went in again, because it just wasn't like him to be so lethargic. I saw a different doc, and they sent him for an x-ray and he had pneumonia. I knew my child better than the doc did.

A backwards scenario though - my son had a 105 fever for a few days. When I called right away, they said to not bring him in, and just watch him. I thought that was awfully high for a fever. I brought him in the next day, the doc checked him out, said he would be fine (meanwhile I was sure he was about to die.) The doc said "But call me if it gets up to 107, I've never seen that..." he had the fever for 2 more days, then it disappeared. There was no good reason for it, and the doc was right. It just went away and he was fine.

People do alternative medical methods all the time, I don't see what is so bad about that poster.
(Though maybe I should try to find it, then I will have a different opinion.)
Jennifer, from a parent's perspective, I completely understand the reluctance they feel. It's a process much like accepting a dx of cancer or anything else. First comes denial. I may not know much about crohn's but I know this is true. Those parents are being tortured by uncertainty right now but with all our help, they will ultimately (I hope) come to the right conclusion about the meds. I understand what you are saying but believe me it ain't just black and white for them now. My wife's niece was put on pred and almost immediately developed diabetes, so we struggled with that one ourselves but were reassured and had no problems. When the docs presc. the 6mp and we read the facts about that, we thought oh my God, they think EJ's dying!!! It really is that scary. Please realize that all this thought process comes from people who have no "real" idea of your all's physical pain. Our pain is heartbreak and there is no cure for that either. Please don't be hard on them right now, they need gentle persuasion.