Son has just started peeing every 5 minutes in the last hour; when is it serious enough to call doc or go to hospital?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 13, 2013
So my son is on budesonide, Nexium, and Zantac 150. He also takes d3, calcium, folate, and children's vitamin. He has been laying around the last 4 weeks feeling poorly, and we are trying to get into the GI to get his Crohn's under control (see rant for how frustrating that has been.) In the last couple hours, he has started frequent urination, as in every few minutes. He says it's not hurting or burning, and no fever. He says his vision has been a little blurry, but that it's been that way a while. My question is, what symptoms are symptoms that warrant immediate medical attention? I am thinking he could have developed a UTI, but the concern of steroid induced diabetes is a little bit worrying, and I am not sure what I should be watching for that would mean a trip to the ER tonight. He has been complaining of headaches, tummy aches(duh he has Crohn's right?) and I am not sure what would mean a serious diabetic episode, or just a bad side effect of the med. I am a little stressed already. All the weight he gained in January and February, he has lost in the last 4 weeks, and he is lower than he was when he was Dxed in December. Any advice appreciated.
As it a Friday I would be trying to contact his GP or GI now as you don't want it to get worse over the weekend.
I would take him to the doctor. You don't need a fever or pain to have a urine infection. For peace of mind it's best to get it checked.
We took him to our primary care last Friday. They checked bloodwork, sugar levels and for UTI. Everything looked okay, so we are thinking it's just more Crohn's symptoms. We saw our GI on Tuesday, are back on the methotrexate and additionally we are starting Remicade on Friday. He's still not great. I am hoping the infusion gets him immediate relief, like it has for some, and kickstarts the remission and we can maintain it with the methotrexate. We're only planning on doing a series of the remicade infusions for now, but not staying on it permanently. I'm nervous, but we have to do something. And this seems like the best fit.
Remicade should not be used episodically
Once you start you DO Not stop
You can not use it again.
Get a second opinOn. ASAP
mylittlepenguin, thanks for posting the reference. I read through it and I see that there is a chance of him developing an antibody to the remicade, which will make it work no longer. It does mention that using methotrexate as a combo with it reduces that risk considerably, which is what we are going to do. But the 6mp and the methotrexate take months to develop a therapeutic level. And he has been on the budesonide/entocort for months already (since December) and Asacol, and is worse now than when he started. My husband and I have been reading like crazy about all this stuff, and we didn't really see another good alternative that will work quickly, and it sounds like the article is saying that doing this therapy early is a good thing for many. We are not really happy with our current GI office, but we couldn't get into the Vandy IBD clinic until mid June. So we can talk to them then, and determine if it really is a short term treatment, or if they think we should be continuing on with it. I just don't know what else to do at this point. I don't feel like our son can wait any longer. Is there another fast acting treatment that you know about we might not have considered? Our doctor said our insurance wouldn't approve Humira unless he failed Remicade. I didn't even see a treatment club for Cipro, so I am wondering how often that is really used for pediatric patients. And the idea of really strong antibiotics actually made me more nervous than biologics. lol Probably weird, but true. Anyway, I will be checking back tonight on the forum. I forwarded the link for the article to my husband to read as well. Because infusion is scheduled for the morning, anytime before then we could say no and do something else.

I hate making these decisions, honestly. So many variables and unknowns. A well meaning family member didn't help matters when she called me to let me know what her chiropractor had told her when they discussed my son at some sort of nutrition conference, that "the reason they are checking his blood values is to make sure they aren't killing him." I have a chiropractor I love, but I could have choked this unknown one for saying that. Yes, these medicines are risky. And I realize they are checking his cmp to make sure it's not toxic to him. But is that really necessary to say it like that? sigh. This family member is dearly loved, and was trying to be helpful suggesting dietary things INSTEAD of the meds. There are all these anecdotal stories of people curing their Crohn's with diet. And so there's part of me that worries we are subjecting our son to needless meds, when if we would JUST be willing to overhaul our diet he wouldn't need them. And if I knew that would work, I would in an INSTANT. Thing is, it's all a gamble, isn't it? If you don't do the meds, then the chances they'll need surgery are much higher. And knowing which med is the right one for your particular child seems like rocket science. Anyways, any info is appreciated with this stuff. My stomach is in knots about it all, tbh.
Remicade isn't something you do short term.
It works in about 6 weeks sometimes longer.
If you stop remicade for any reason antibodies develop and you can't use it again even if you are taking Mtx.
Mtx just decreases the odds of developing antibodies but it can still happen.
Once you are on remicade you do not stop unless it becomes ineffective or you start having reactions .
Prednisone is a good fast acting stop gap until June ( which is only. a few weeks away.)
Remicade if it works is for life .( if your lucky - DS was not )
Most use Mtx for about a year then stop that drug but stay on remicade since Mtx can be restarted if needed.

Link to most of the research papers debating things

I can say remicade was the best thing that happened to my kiddo .
When it works it is like gold.
Wish we still had it.
Fwiw we didn't have time to wait for our second opinion either .
We still saw the second opinion doc. He still said to stay on remicade
Not sure if he would have recommended it if we hadn't already put DS on it a week before but eight weeks on high dose pred plus Mtx was enough and DS was having vascular issues.
Not something we wanted to wait on kwim .

Wishing you the best .
So sorry to hear that your child is not doing any better. It is such a difficult time for you and your family. Just remember that as his parents you are the ones that have to be comfortable with his treatment. Friends and family (and even strangers) can can offer their opinions, but you have to live with your decisions. There are no right answers, just the treatment that seems best to you based on the information and medical professionals that you have access to at the time.

While you are waiting for some of these other treatments to become effective you might want to consider enteral nutrition in addition to medication to help relieve some of his symptoms and boost his energy. You can find info about that here: and here:

May he soon be feeling better on whatever treatment you choose.
We went ahead this morning and started the Remicade. Both our local GI doctor(even though we're not happy with the way his office has handled our concerns, he's competent in most ways, it seems) and the Cincinnatti team had recommended Remicade as the next step after methotrexate alone. So we talked, read the article, and agreed we still felt it was the best plan for our son right now. We are scheduled to be in the Vandy IBD clinic by mid June, which means we will see them in time to continue with the Remicade if they agree that is the best thing, or do something different if that is not working. We did do a round of prednisone already, but it didn't seem to help that much. And the kid has been on entocort since December, and he has in the last month went DOWNHILL. He has lost every bit of weight he gained and is back where he started in December. Plus he's not functional at all with his day to day activities. He can barely shower every few days, it seems. If we were not homeschooling, I would say he would be held back this year, for all the school he would have missed. As it is, he will be working some this summer to catch up, if we can get him feeling better. Anyways, that is where we are. I am hoping we will see improvements in the next few days, but even a few weeks would be wonderful. Hoping and praying he will be one of the kids this drug works wonders on.
I am totally open to using EN, but the doctor here when I have asked does not really seem to have an opinion. He gives me a "you can try it if you want" but not really any information or direction. It is one of the things we will mention to the Vandy team when we go. I have been trying to supplement his diet with ensure clear, since that is the only drink like that he tolerates that doesn't make his heartburn horrible. I think some of those kind (the regular ensure/pediasure) that are soybased may be really hard on him. I haven't looked as much into the peptomen or some of the kind here on the boards I have read about some, since those seem more like I would need a little more doctor support and direction to do, and we don't have that right now.
Have you tried the Boost drinks? There are the "milky" kinds and the more "juice" kinds...

Best wishes - praying this works and he gets his energy back... Way to fight the good fight Mum!
Boost ones are soy free but still maybe hard since they are whole protein.
Glad the decision was made for remicade.
Once it starts to work it does get easier.
Hope the infusion went well and your son is feeling better soon. My son woke up the day after his first infusion and said he had not felt this good in a long time. Hope it works quickly for your guy as well.

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