Hi Jacksmom,
So sorry to hear that your son was diagnosed with Crohns.
It's overwhelming at the beginning but you're right to just start reading and asking questions. You've found a great place for answers! You'll find some very knowledgeable parents and members, always willing to share their experiences and offer support.
I strongly urge you to have a look at Enteral Nutrition!! It's a great treatment, has no side effects, provides bowel rest, all necessary nutrition, has anti-inflammatory and healing properties and has a success rate at inducing remission as steroids. EN can be used together with medications to supplement his nutrition or to help induce remission if, as you suggest, the pred isn't working. EN is commonly used around the world, often as the first line treatment to induce remission but, for some reason, is not as commonly used in the U.S. You may have to initiate the conversation with your son's GI re EN. I've added two links - one to Kids on EN (in the parents subforum) and to the Enteral Nutrition section under Treatment. EN was the treatment offered to my son to induce remission and has been his maintenance treatment since last year. He had lost approx. 25 lbs prior to diagnosis and, within 3 months, had gained 30 lbs. :thumright: There are a number of children here who have used EN and some who continue to use it as a supplemental treatment.
There is also a forum for Diet - please have a look through it. Like Crohns, itself, diet is very individual, however, there are some foods that seem to cause issues for many people - ie. dairy, gluten, high fibre. There are also some diets that seem to help many people - SCD, paleo, gluten-free. Diet hasn't been an issue for my son so I'm not able to offer you any real advice re the various diets.
I'm sure there will be other parents along soon with lots of advice and support!
I hope your son begins to feel better soon! :ghug: