Sooo Over it!!!

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Jul 24, 2008
I am just so over this flare I have been having. Been feeling really bad for 2 weeks. Only been back at work for 3 weeks. First I just felt tired and a little crampy. Then the cramping got worse. Now I can hardly eat again and I feel aweful. The cramping has now been intermittent but now I have this like burning or acidy feeling in my intestines. Frustrating cuz the Dr. felt I was doing better because I had put on a little weight, heart rate fell, and my SED rate had fell a bit...though still high at 58. He said it was all progress...doesn't feel that way.

I am so sick and tired of feeling sick. I am worried that work is doing it to me. I am on salary and tend to work 10 hour days a lot. Even though I try to take it easy I just get sick. I took a month off and went back feeling better, but after just a week back it has been down hill. Does this mean I can't do my job anymore? I told him about my work and how many hours I work, but he just said exhaustion could play a role...offering no suggestions.

What am I to do? Does anyone else have the same issues with work? Do you all work a lot of hours or part time?

How do I deal with this without putting me and my husband in financial ruin? It is just stupid because we were just getting ahead money wise and all this happened...I guess better than having all these doctor bills when we were broke though I guess.
I work part-time for the most part - but I work from home so my stress level is way less because I do not have to deal with co-workers or bosses.

I know you just started using the enemas, and maybe they will start to make you feel better. Shrug, before you start thinking about quitting your job maybe you should look into learning stress relief techniques. Short ones you can do while at work and longer ones you can do at home.
I haven't really felt stressed, though I do realize I could be stressing subconsciously still. I will look into some of those techniques.

It is just so hard cuz I wake up every morning debating on whether or not to call out and I just drag myself to work no matter how bad I feel. All my energy is put into making it through the day and then I just sleep when I get home. I sleep nearly all day on my days off and am at the point that I feel this is not a good life for me. I feel like I just can't enjoy anything.
Well I have an idea - I don't know if it will work but at Pain Management clinics they have their patients along with their doctor fill out a plan. It tells them what to do at what pain levels and other symptoms they may have. For instance pain level 1-3 try taking Tylenol and a warm bath 4-5 take 1 painkiller and a heating pad level 6 take another pain killer and contact doctor if not effective, level 7 or above go to nearest ER.

Couldn't you pre-plan to reduce your stress. Take your three major symptoms like pain, diarrhea, and nausea (shrug whatever it is for you) and map out at what levels you should do what. Like at what point you should call into work or whether you should try managing it. That I think would take some of the stress off your shoulders. (I know it may not be simple but can't blame a girl for trying to help!)
I would start talking to a doc about disability, even if you end up getting better you can just discontinue the process. Meanwhile if you need it you are much further on the road to getting it.
I just came off disability...I was on it for a month. I left him a message hopefully I will hear from him by Tues. It is a holiday weekend. Was tired of being at home and was getting slightly better, but now I am thinking working is still too much for me right now. We'll see what he says.
Still haven't heard from the doc yet today. Debating if I should call him again or not. Don't want to be a pest. My pain has just been so bad. I called out from work today....which is huge I NEVER call out. Pain is intermittent. Though I know I am really hurting it always crosses my mind that I am being a wimp about the whole thing. I mean every other sickness I have ever had I have been able to handle. So hard to deal with something that seems to knock me on my ass.

The worst part is that from the outside I know I don't really look sick. Inside I have so much pain from doing even the smallest tasks.

I don't know what to do anymore...
Sorry to hear your struggling:(
I think the disability could work with you and your job to allow you days off, as neede, without falling too much behind physically, emotionally, or financialy.
Can you just go on and off disability? How long are you allowed to do that for? All this is very new to me.
Don't you have an HR rep for your company, they can usually help you with these things. And if not directly they know who you need to contact. My sister is in HR and she deals with this kind of stuff semi often.
We have a program that will help you with job related issues...Office of Vocational rehabilitation.
Maybe it is available where you are.
I have an HR department at my company. To take a medical leave I have to get my dr. to fill out a bunch of papers then file for state disability then they will give me my company benefits. Otherwise I can choose to take an unpaid leave of absence, but that has to be approved by the store I work at. Not that big of a deal, but the last thing I want is to be hunting down people or filling out paperwork when I feel bad.

I am not sure if there is any other way for me to go about it. I work for such a large company sometimes it is a pain just to get the smallest things accomplished. Don't get me wrong I love my job and I work for a great company...just the price you pay in large ones though some times.
I feel for ya.
The last thing you need is a hassle while you feeling down in the dumps...
I know it's almost like they make it really hard to file for it so that most people will just say forget it. I guess that would weed out those who really need it and those who don't. Just frustrates me that the dr. can say you are sick and then you have to go around proving it to everyone all the time.
Well why would you have to prove it to anyone.... You LOOK
Like none of us ever heard that before
It pisses me off when people act like that.:ymad:
I'd really look into counseling, I had such Chronic Pain, stress and fatigue symptoms underlying that my health was suffering from SUFFERING!

Seriously The stresses can pile on so fast, you cannot even notice that your no longer compensating, your just denying healing.

Once I started this process it was noted by myself that I had been doing less-well that I had made myself believe. Now that I have made my health-care team aware, now they have made me aware and are able to treat my stress, anxiety and pain better so I can heal correctly.

Just a thought, it doesn't hurt to go chat with someone!!!
Theability, this site seems to help me as far as counseling goes.
I hear laughter is the best medicine ...I lmao almost every time I log on:ylol2:
I go to therapy once a month and I visit this site everyday. Those combined with all the positive things I have going for me - helps.