Sore Feet

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Nov 30, 2011
For the past four weeks the bottom of my feet have been incredibly painful to walk on and at first I thought it was joint pain but I think it is more in the muscle. Is this Crohn's related? Has anyone ever had a symptom like this? If so does it have a name? What is it and do I make it stop?
I never thought to ask. Right now I am in limbo as my gastro doctor has me seeing a Crohn's specialist and he can't see me until January 3rd so even though I am flaring I am trying to hold on the next two and a half weeks. Could the sore feet be a lack of B12? I would never have put the two together. I can take over the counter until I see the specialist and ask him to check my levels. Thanks for the suggestion!
I cannot absorb b12 due to my resections so maybe some subligual rather than tablets. I've had injections for year for b12 deficiency due to the resections in the past.
I too have had extremely painful feet, but the small town doctor thought it was from wearing slippers too loose?? Ended up having cumadin shots twice a did go away but have had the off foot pain too. Not sure it was just time though. I have b12 shots monthly, I have had 2 resections some can do their own shots but my doc says he wanted a professional doing it so this way if I have another problem he is right there.

A foot doc maybe a good idea too. :hang:
Is it under the ankle and just before the toes, or is it through the arch? If it's in the arch area there is a chance it is plantar fasciaitis (spelling?). Any other joint pains (hip, back, shoulders) as well?
It's from the top of the arch all the way to the end of the heel. I am having my usual joint pain in my ankles, knees, wrist and fingers. At first I thought it was joint pain but then realized it was more near the surface.

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