I do not have UC/Crohn's/Colitis but for 20+ years my daily sympoms mimic it. Doctors have not been able to pinpoint the correct diagnosis, other then to say it's like you have Crohn's but then they test and say I do not. I recently had to go on 3 rounds of antibiotics and it destroyed my stomach. I have since tried to do the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.
I did only broth for 3 days. I then added boiled meats and pureed carrots. I am stuck on this for 2.5 weeks now with no success. I am still having daily watery symptoms multiple times. I'm taking VSL 3 probiotics daily and they help compared to if I do not take them. However, if I cannot even tolerate these foods, let alone add in other foods, what do I do?
I've been tested multiple tests for parasites/virus/SIBO etc all come back negative. I just had an endoscopy/colonoscopy 2 months ago- came back negative. What else can I do, or what am I doing wrong on the SC diet?
Thank you!
I did only broth for 3 days. I then added boiled meats and pureed carrots. I am stuck on this for 2.5 weeks now with no success. I am still having daily watery symptoms multiple times. I'm taking VSL 3 probiotics daily and they help compared to if I do not take them. However, if I cannot even tolerate these foods, let alone add in other foods, what do I do?
I've been tested multiple tests for parasites/virus/SIBO etc all come back negative. I just had an endoscopy/colonoscopy 2 months ago- came back negative. What else can I do, or what am I doing wrong on the SC diet?
Thank you!