Specific Carbohydrate Diet- Advice?

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Mar 13, 2018
I do not have UC/Crohn's/Colitis but for 20+ years my daily sympoms mimic it. Doctors have not been able to pinpoint the correct diagnosis, other then to say it's like you have Crohn's but then they test and say I do not. I recently had to go on 3 rounds of antibiotics and it destroyed my stomach. I have since tried to do the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.

I did only broth for 3 days. I then added boiled meats and pureed carrots. I am stuck on this for 2.5 weeks now with no success. I am still having daily watery symptoms multiple times. I'm taking VSL 3 probiotics daily and they help compared to if I do not take them. However, if I cannot even tolerate these foods, let alone add in other foods, what do I do?

I've been tested multiple tests for parasites/virus/SIBO etc all come back negative. I just had an endoscopy/colonoscopy 2 months ago- came back negative. What else can I do, or what am I doing wrong on the SC diet?

Thank you!
Seems to me that there are a few different ways food can affect GI problems:

1. Things that are directly irritating - raw fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, hot peppers etc.

2. Things that affect the population of bacteria in your gut - this is what SCD is attempting to accomplish. Starch and disccharides (table sugar, lactose) can increase the population of certain bacteria and yeasts and things. This is a slow change...it can take a long time to trigger problems or to clear up existing problems using this. Personally, I find saccharomyces boulardii supplement along with low starch to be very effective for me.

3. Things your immune system will react to - gluten (wheat), casein (dairy) and soy are common...eggs, chicken, oats, beef, pork, certain vegetables and fruit all can cause trouble this way. It probably can't cause serious inflammation (ie Crohn's), but may be involved with IBS type of symptoms or Microscopic colitis (see the microscopic colitis forum at Persky Farms -google it). It's possible that long term GI troubles disrupt the relationship between your immune system and gut contents causing some reaction toward these troublesome foods(?).

4. FODMAPs - people with a hypersensitive gut will be bothered by things that ferment to form gas or draw fluid into your intestines. This is important especially for IBS. Things like apples, onions and a whole long list of foods high in FODMAPs can cause problems.
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I do not have UC/Crohn's/Colitis but for 20+ years my daily sympoms mimic it. Doctors have not been able to pinpoint the correct diagnosis, other then to say it's like you have Crohn's but then they test and say I do not. I recently had to go on 3 rounds of antibiotics and it destroyed my stomach. I have since tried to do the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.

I did only broth for 3 days. I then added boiled meats and pureed carrots. I am stuck on this for 2.5 weeks now with no success. I am still having daily watery symptoms multiple times. I'm taking VSL 3 probiotics daily and they help compared to if I do not take them. However, if I cannot even tolerate these foods, let alone add in other foods, what do I do?

I've been tested multiple tests for parasites/virus/SIBO etc all come back negative. I just had an endoscopy/colonoscopy 2 months ago- came back negative. What else can I do, or what am I doing wrong on the SC diet?

Thank you!
Did they take biopsies when you had colonoscopy? The reason I ask is because when I had mine it showed no sign of crohns or UC but when they tested biopsy it showed microscopic colitis which is a bit different. I'm taking budesonide now and it's starting to slow everything down. I stick to plain food bread tuna cheese yogurt no fruit or veg. Good luck
Hope you feel better soon
VSL 3 probiotics contain milk, which is to say lactose. You were not following the SCD if you were taking those, which leads me to think you probably weren't following the SCD in other areas.

You should review what common sugars are, and inspect items from your grocery list's packaging for individual ingredients. Almost all meats that come in pre-made(hot dog, sausage, or burger) form contain polymeric carbs. The same holds true for many, many things. Most ketchups, mustards, hot sauces contain carbs.

lactose and sucrose are the most commonly misunderstand as monomeric carbohydrates.

Milk is not acceptable on the diet.
Heavy cream usually works out once you have been on the diet for two weeks or so.
Soft cheeses are not acceptable on the diet.
Please review
Vsl#3 change manufacturing over a year ago
It does not contain any milk products including lactose anymore
It is now produce in Italy prior to that it was produced in the US where milk was added

Allergen Status
All formulations of VSL#3® contain none of the following: wheat, gluten (other cereals), soy, milk (including lactose), crustacean shellfish, eggs, peanuts, nuts, fish, celery, mustard, sesame seeds, sulfur dioxide and sulfites (>10 mg/kg), lupin, mollusks. VSL#3® contains cornstarch, an inactive ingredient, which is generally well-tolerated.


I do not have UC/Crohn's/Colitis but for 20+ years my daily sympoms mimic it. Doctors have not been able to pinpoint the correct diagnosis, other then to say it's like you have Crohn's but then they test and say I do not. I recently had to go on 3 rounds of antibiotics and it destroyed my stomach. I have since tried to do the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.

I did only broth for 3 days. I then added boiled meats and pureed carrots. I am stuck on this for 2.5 weeks now with no success. I am still having daily watery symptoms multiple times. I'm taking VSL 3 probiotics daily and they help compared to if I do not take them. However, if I cannot even tolerate these foods, let alone add in other foods, what do I do?

I've been tested multiple tests for parasites/virus/SIBO etc all come back negative. I just had an endoscopy/colonoscopy 2 months ago- came back negative. What else can I do, or what am I doing wrong on the SC diet?

Thank you!

I do not follow the SCD, but I will tell you that I've been eating a ton of roasted veggies every night for dinner with a little bit of olive oil and I feel great, notice a huge difference compared to before switching to only roasted veggie dinners.

I wonder if you might be able to tolerate avocado or banana, those are 2 things that I've also noticed reduced symptoms after eating.

Also, if you are going to the bathroom that much then you have to be losing nutrients. What about taking a dissolvable multivitamin like EZ Melts to make sure you are absorbing enough vitamins, which can help decrease inflammation.

I also wonder if it might help to try some herbal teas that have been known to help with symptoms of Crohn's, it's all trial and error since everyone is different. I personally like lemon balm tea.